Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
like or alike in quantity, degree, value, etc.; of the same rank, ability, merit, etc.
- two students of equal brilliance.
Verb (used with object)
- according , balanced , break even , commensurate , comparable , coordinate , correspondent , corresponding , double , duplicate , egalitarian , equivalent , evenly matched , fifty-fifty * , homologous , identic , identical , indistinguishable , invariable , level , look-alike , matched , matching , one and the same , parallel , proportionate , same , same difference , spit and image , stack up with , tantamount , to the same degree , two peas in pod , uniform , unvarying , dispassionate , equable , even-handed , impartial , just , nondiscriminatory , nonpartisan , objective , uncolored , unprejudiced , without distinction , even , up to , equitable , evenhanded , fair , adequate , cordinate , coetaneous , coeval , coextensive , commensurable , congruent , constituting , contemporaneous , contemporary , coterminous , democratic , equalitarian , equipollent , equiponderant , homeostatic , isometric , isonomic , isonomous , reciprocal , sufficient , synonymous
- alter ego , coequal , companion , compeer , competitor , complement , copy , counterpart , double , duplicate , equivalent , like , likeness , match , mate , parallel , rival , twin , colleague , fellow , balance , cordinate , coetaneity , coeval , commensurability , contemporaneity , coordinate , egalitarian , equality , equation , equilibrium , equiponderance , equivalence , homeostasis , isonomy , libertarian , osmosis , parity , peer , proportion , quid pro quo , stability , symmetry , uniformity
- agree , amount to , approach , balance , be commensurate , be identical , be level , be tantamount , break even , come up to , compare , comprise , consist of , coordinate , correspond , emulate , equalize , equate , equipoise , equiponderate , keep pace with , level , live up to , match , measure up , meet , parallel , partake of , rank with , reach , rise to , rival , run abreast , square with , tally , tie , touch , constitute , abreast , adequate , alike , balanced , coextensive , commensurate , comparative , compeer , corresponding , counterpart , equivalent , even , fair , hess , identical , librate , like , mate , neutralize , on a par , par , peer , same , similar , stabilize , symmetrical , tantamount , unbiased , unify
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