• Lowest

    Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.


    situated, placed, or occurring not far above the ground, floor, or base
    a low shelf.
    of small extent upward; not high or tall
    A low wall surrounds the property.
    not far above the horizon, as a planet
    The moon was low in the sky.
    lying or being below the general level
    low ground.
    designating or pertaining to regions near sea level, esp. near the sea
    low countries.
    bending or passing far downward; deep
    a low bow.
    (of a garment) low-necked; décolleté
    The dress she wore was fashionably low.
    rising but slightly from a surface
    a low relief on a frieze.
    of less than average or normal height or depth, as a liquid or stream
    The river is low this time of year.
    near the first of a series
    a low number.
    ranked near the beginning or bottom on some scale of measurement
    a low income bracket.
    indicating the bottom or the point farthest down
    the low point in his creative life.
    lacking in strength, energy, or vigor; feeble; weak
    to feel low and listless.
    providing little nourishment or strength, as a diet.
    of small number, amount, degree, force, intensity, etc.
    low visibility; a generator with a low output.
    indicated or represented by a low number
    A low latitude is one relatively near the equator.
    soft: subdued; not loud
    a low murmur.
    Music . produced by relatively slow vibrations, as sounds; grave in pitch.
    assigning or attributing little worth, value, excellence, or the like
    a low estimate of a new book.
    containing a relatively small amount
    a diet low in starches.
    nearing depletion; not adequately supplied
    low on funds; Our stock of towels is low.
    depressed or dejected
    low spirits.
    far down in the scale of rank or estimation; humble
    of low birth.
    of inferior quality or character
    a low grade of fabric; a low type of intellect.
    lacking in dignity or elevation, as of thought or expression.
    mean, base, or disreputable
    low tricks; low companions.
    coarse or vulgar
    entertainment of a low sort.
    Boxing . struck or delivered below a contestant's belt.
    Biology . having a relatively simple structure; not complex in organization.
    Phonetics . (of a vowel) articulated with a relatively large opening above the tongue, as the vowels of hat, hut, hot, ought, etc. Compare high ( def. 23 ) .
    Automotive . of, pertaining to, or operating at the gear transmission ratio at which the drive shaft moves at the lowest speed with relation to the speed of the engine crankshaft, used esp. for temporarily overcoming the weight or inertia of the vehicle; first
    low gear.
    Baseball . (of a pitched ball) passing the plate at a level below that of the batter's knees
    a low curve.
    Cards . having less value than other cards
    a low card.
    Metallurgy . having a relatively small amount of a specified constituent (usually used in combination)
    low-carbon steel.
    Chiefly British . holding to Low Church principles and practices.


    in or to a low position, point, degree, etc.
    The raiders crouched low in the bushes.
    near the ground, floor, or base; not aloft
    The plane flew low.
    in or to a humble or abject state
    Some live low while others live high. She swore she would bring him low.
    in or to a condition of depletion, prostration, or death
    The gas in the tank is running low.
    at comparatively small cost; cheaply
    to buy something low and sell it high.
    at or to a low pitch, volume, intensity, etc.
    to turn the radio low; lights turned down low.
    in a low tone; softly; quietly; to speak low.
    Archaic . far down in time; late.


    something that is low, as ground or prices
    numerous marshy lows in the forest; the recent low in the stock market.
    Automotive . low gear; first gear.
    Meteorology . an atmospheric low-pressure system; cyclone. Compare high ( def. 37 ) .
    Cards .
    the lowest trump card.
    a card of small value, or of lower value than other cards.
    the lowest score in a game.
    a player having such a score.
    a point of deepest decline, vulgarity, etc.
    a new low in tastelessness.
    Slang . a period of intense depression or discomfort, when the effects of a drug have subsided. ?


    lay low
    to overpower or kill; defeat
    to lay one's attackers low.
    to knock down; make prostrate.
    Informal . to lie low.
    lie low
    to conceal oneself
    He had to lie low for a while.
    to do nothing until the right opportunity develops; bide one's time
    Until the dispute is settled, you would do best to lie low.


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