Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
Verb (used with object)
- abatement , backsliding , comedown , cropper , decay , decrepitude , degeneracy , degeneration , descent , deterioration , devolution , diminution , dissolution , dive , downfall , downgrade , downturn , drop , dwindling , ebb , ebbing , enfeeblement , failing , failure , fall , falling off , flop , lapse , on the skids , pratfall , recession , relapse , senility , skids , slump , wane , waning , weakening , worseningnotes:one declines (or accepts) something that is offered; one refuses (or agrees) to accept something offered , declivity , decrease , depression , dip , downslide , downswing , downtrend , drop-off , fall-off , hill , incline , loss , lowering , pitch , sag , slide , slip , slope , slumpnotes:one declines (or accepts) something that is offered; one refuses (or agrees) to accept something offered , atrophy , decadence , declension , declination , nosedive , plunge , skid , tumble , decadency , degradation , demotion , involution , lysis , marasmus , progressive emaciation , retrocession , retrogradation , retrogression
- abjure , abstain , avoid , balk , beg to be excused , bypass , demur , deny , desist , disapprove , dismiss , don’t buy , forbear , forgo , gainsay , nix * , not accept , not hear of , not think of , pass on , refrain , refuse , reject , renounce , reprobate , repudiate , send regrets , shy , spurn , turn down , turn thumbs downnotes:one declines (or accepts) something that is offered; one refuses (or agrees) to accept something offered , abate , backslide , cheapen , decay , decrease , degenerate , depreciate , deteriorate , diminish , disimprove , disintegrate , droop , drop , dwindle , ebb , fade , fail , fall , fall off , flag , go downhill , go to pot , go to the dogs , hit the skids , languish , lapse , lose value , lower , pine , recede , relapse , retrograde , return , revert , rot , sag , settle , shrink , sink , slide , subside , wane , weaken , worsennotes:one declines (or accepts) something that is offered; one refuses (or agrees) to accept something offered , dip , go down , set , slant , slopenotes:one declines (or accepts) something that is offered; one refuses (or agrees) to accept something offered , descend , pitch , atrophy , worsen , waste , bend , chute , decadence , declivity , depression , descent , deterioration , deviate , downslide , failure , incline , lean , lessen , recession , regress , renege , retrocede , retrogress , shun , slip , slope , slump , stoop , stray , wilt , withdraw
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