Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
Informal .
- enthusiastic about some specified activity (usually fol. by at, for, or on )
- He's great on reading poetry aloud.
- skillful; expert (usually fol. by at or on )
- He's great at golf.
being of one generation more remote from the family relative specified (used in combination)
- a great-grandson.
( often initial capital letter ) greats, ( used with a singular verb ) Also called great go. British Informal .
- the final examination for the bachelor's degree in the classics and mathematics, or Literae Humaniores, esp. at Oxford University and usually for honors.
- the course of study.
- the subject studied.
- few , little , miniature , minute , short , small , infamous , insignificant , powerless , uncelebrated , undignified , unimportant , unknown , weak , ignorant , menial , poor , stupid , unskilled
- abundant , ample , big , big league * , bulky , bull , colossal , considerable , decided , enormous , excessive , extended , extensive , extravagant , extreme , fat , gigantic , grievous , high , huge , humongous , husky , immense , inordinate , jumbo * , lengthy , long , major league , mammoth , mondo , numerous , oversize , prodigious , prolonged , pronounced , protracted , strong , stupendous , terrible , titanic * , towering , tremendous , vast , voluminous , august , capital , chief , commanding , dignified , distinguished , eminent , exalted , excellent , famed , famous , fine , glorious , grand , heroic , highly regarded , high-minded , honorable , idealistic , illustrious , impressive , leading , lofty , magnanimous , main , major , noble , notable , noted , noteworthy , outstanding , paramount , primary , principal , prominent , puissant , regal , remarkable , renowned , royal , stately , sublime , superior , superlative , talented , able , absolute , aces * , adept , admirable , adroit , awesome , bad * , best , brutal , cold * , complete , consummate , crack * , downright , dynamite , egregious , exceptional , expert , fab , fantastic , first-class * , first-rate * , good , heavy * , hellacious , marvelous , masterly , number one , out-and-out * , out of sight , out of this world , perfect , positive , proficient , super-duper , surpassing , terrific , total , tough , transcendent , unmitigated , unqualified , utter , wonderful , healthy , large , large-scale , sizable , celebrated , preeminent , prestigious , redoubtable , ace , banner , blue-ribbon , brag , champion , first-class , first-rate , prime , quality , splendid , superb , tiptop , top , divine , fabulous , fantastical , sensational , enceinte , expectant , expecting , gravid , parturient , countless , estimable , exorbitant , flagrant , immoderate , incalculable , incomputable , monumental , predominant , serious , supereminent
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