• Spectacle

    Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.


    anything presented to the sight or view, esp. something of a striking or impressive kind
    The stars make a fine spectacle tonight.
    a public show or display, esp. on a large scale
    The coronation was a lavish spectacle.
    spectacles. eyeglasses, esp. with pieces passing over or around the ears for holding them in place.
    Often, spectacles.
    something resembling spectacles in shape or function.
    any of various devices suggesting spectacles, as one attached to a semaphore to display lights or different colors by colored glass.
    Obsolete . a spyglass. ?


    make a spectacle of oneself
    to call attention to one's unseemly behavior; behave foolishly or badly in public
    They tell me I made a spectacle of myself at the party last night.


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