Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
Mathematics, Statistics .
- an arrangement of a series of terms according to value, as from largest to smallest.
- an arrangement of a series of terms in some geometric pattern, as in a matrix.
- arrangement , batch , body , bunch , bundle , clump , cluster , design , display , disposition , exhibition , formation , host , lineup , lot , multitude , order , parade , pattern , set , show , supply , throng , apparel , attire , drapes , dress , duds * , finery , full dress , garb , garments , getup , rig * , threads * , panoply , pomp , spectacle , band , bevy , clutch , collection , knot , party , frippery , regalia , battalion , battery , crowd , gamut , group , horde , legion , number , rainbow , series , spectrum , troops
- align , display , exhibit , form , group , line up , methodize , organize , parade , range , set , show , systematize , attire , bedeck , clothe , deck , deck out , decorate , dog out , drape , dud , dude up , fit , fit out , garb , outfit , suit up , tog , try on , turn out , wrap , deploy , dispose , marshal , order , sort , dress up , prank , adorn , apparel , arrange , assemblage , assemble , clad , dress , equip , furnish , grouping , host , robe , series
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