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Thông dụng
Ngoại động từ
Chuyên ngành
Đồng nghĩa Tiếng Anh
Mirror, send or throw back, reproduce, return; echo: Thesmooth surface of the lake reflected the sunlight. The radiowaves are reflected and focused by this parabolic dish. 2 show,demonstrate, exhibit, illustrate, exemplify, reveal, lay bare,expose, display, disclose, bring to light, uncover, point to,indicate, suggest, evidence: They say that your true emotionsare reflected in your dreams. His crime reflects the depths ofdepravity to which a person can sink. 3 Often, reflect about oron. think (about or over or on), contemplate, muse (about oron), consider, ponder (about or over or on), deliberate (on orover), ruminate or meditate (about or on or over), cogitate(about or on or over); mull over, weigh, evaluate, examine: Iwas just sitting here reflecting. I was reflecting on what yousaid about wanting to quit your job. 4 reflect on or upon.result in, end in, bring, attract, cast, throw: The success ofthe team reflects credit on the coach.
Tr. a (of a surface or body) throw back (heat, light,sound, etc.). b cause to rebound (reflected light).
Tr.correspond in appearance or effect to; have as a cause or source(their behaviour reflects a wish to succeed).
Tr. a (of anaction, result, etc.) show or bring (credit, discredit, etc.).b (absol.; usu. foll. by on, upon) bring discredit on.
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