Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Việt.
Thông dụng
Ngoại động từ
Cấu trúc từ
to make out
- đặt, dựng lên, lập
- Hiểu, giải thích, tìm ra manh mối, nắm được ý nghĩa, đọc được
- Phân biệt, nhìn thấy, nhận ra
- (từ Mỹ,nghĩa Mỹ) diễn biến, tiến triển
to make up
- làm thành, cấu thành, gộp thành, hợp lại, gói ghém, thu vén
- Lập, dựng
- Bịa, bịa đặt
- Hoá trang
- Thu xếp, dàn xếp, dàn hoà
- Đền bù, bồi thường
- Bổ khuyết, bù, bù đắp
make haste!
Chuyên ngành
Kinh tế
chuẩn bị
- make-ready
- công việc chuẩn bị trước khi sản xuất
- make-up tank
- thùng chuẩn bị dung dịch hoặc hỗn hợp
Đồng nghĩa Tiếng Anh
Build, assemble, construct, erect, put together, set up,fashion, form, mould, shape, frame, create, originate,fabricate, manufacture, produce, put out, forge, contrive,devise: She makes her own dresses. They make TV sets here. TheColossus of Rhodes was said to be made of bronze. 2 cause,compel, force, impel, coerce, provoke, urge, exhort, press,pressure, require, command, order, induce, persuade, prevailupon, insist upon, oblige, Brit pressurize: The devil made medo it.
Make out or up,draw (up), create, write, sign, frame: I made a new willleaving everything to my children.
Earn, return, reap, garner, take in, get,procure, gather, clear, realize, gross, net, pocket, get,acquire, obtain, receive; win, gain, Slang US pull down: Hasher invention made money? He makes a good living out of hisshop. He made œ25 playing poker. 8 amount to, constitute,represent, add up to, total, come to: He knows how many beansmake five. Three and two do not make four. One singer does notmake an opera. 9 change, turn, alter, modify, transform,convert; transmute, mutate, metamorphose: He made her into astar. The alchemists tried to make base metal into gold. 10become, be, change or turn or grow into, perform as: I thinkQuentin will make a brilliant surgeon one day.
Serve as orfor, be suitable for, be, prove to be, turn out to be, turninto, become: This cut of meat will not make a good roast.
Reach, arrive at, attain, get (to),win, achieve, accomplish; come in, Brit be placed, US place:Fran might make first place in the marathon.
Prepare,arrange, rearrange, tidy (up), neaten (up): You have made yourbed, now you will have to lie on it.
Appoint, name,select, choose, elect, vote (in as), designate, authorize,commission, delegate, depute, deputize, assign, sanction,approve, affirm, certify, confirm: They made him their leader.24 seduce, make it with: Kenneth tried to make Sharon lastnight.
Make as if or as though. pretend, feign, act as if oras though, affect, make a show or pretence of, give theimpression of: He made as if to strike me.
Make away. runoff or away, flee, fly, make off, abscond, take to one's heels,decamp, beat a (hasty) retreat, Colloq run for it, make a runfor it, beat it, clear out, cut and run, skedaddle, take off,cut out, skip (town), make tracks, US fly the coop, Slang scram,vamoose, US hightail it, take a (run-out) powder: Taking thejewels, he made away as fast as he could run.
Make awaywith. steal, rob, filch, pilfer, purloin, walk away or off with,Colloq borrow, liberate, boost, Slang pinch, hook, swipe, ripoff, lift, US boost: That boy has made away with my cherrytarts!
Make believe. pretend, fancy, play-act, dream,fantasize, imagine, act as if: We used to make believe we weregrown-ups.
Make do. get by or along, cope, scrape by oralong, manage, muddle through, survive, Colloq make out: Wehave to make do on the pittance Randolph gets from theuniversity.
Make for. a head for or towards, aim for, steer(a course) for, proceed towards, be bound for: After this isdone, I am making for the nearest pub. b assault, attack, setupon, charge, rush (at), pounce upon, fall upon or on, go for,lunge at, storm, assail: The big fellow was making for me witha knife when the lights went out. c promote, contribute to, beconducive to, favour, facilitate: Good fences make for goodneighbours.
Make good. a make up (for), pay (for),compensate for, recompense (for), repay, offset, makerestitution for, settle, square, rectify, put to rights, setright, remedy, correct, restore: He agreed to make good anylosses. b succeed, prosper, flourish, thrive, Colloq make it:In later life he made good as a property developer. c fulfil,carry out, Colloq deliver (the goods): She made good on herpromise to return my book.
Make it. a succeed, prosper,triumph, win, make good, Colloq make the grade: Do you thinkshe will make it as a doctor? b arrive, get (somewhere), showup, appear, turn up: They are hoping to catch the 5:03 toIpswich but I doubt if they will make it. 33 make known. tellof, impart, disclose, reveal, divulge, mention, communicate,announce, declare, promulgate, publish, let slip, Colloq tipoff: She made known her demands.
Make much of. aexaggerate, overstate, colour, hyperbolize, Colloq make a bigdeal of, blow up: He made much of his new title. b coddle,cosset, baby, pamper, dote on, flatter, toady (up) to, cajole,humour, indulge, Colloq butter up: Henry makes much of hisgrandchildren.
Make out. a see, discern,descry, espy, detect, discover, distinguish, perceive: I madeout a dim figure in the gloom. b complete, fill in, Brit fillup, US and Canadian fill out: I made out an application for thejob. c draw (up), write (out or down), record, Colloq US cut:Please make out a list of your complaints. Make out the chequeto me, personally. d understand, fathom, comprehend, figure out,perceive, follow, grasp, see, decipher, read: She mumbles so, Icannot make out what she's saying. Can you make out this name? esuggest, imply, hint, insinuate, indicate, impute, intimate,make to appear, pretend, make as if or as though, represent;present, show, demonstrate, establish: She tried to make outthat I was a fool. He made out a strong case for dog licensing.f get on, survive, manage, fare, thrive, succeed: How are youmaking out in your new house?
Make over. a do over,remodel, redecorate, alter: We are making over our kitchen. btransfer, hand over, sign over, convey, assign, turn over: Theproperty has been made over to me.
Make up. a complete,fill out, finish (out), flesh out: We need another player tomake up the team. b compose, form, constitute, be comprised of:The gang is made up of ex-convicts. c hatch, invent, concoct,devise, create, construct, dream up, originate, coin, compose,Colloq cook up: He made up that story about the murder. d bereconciled, make peace, settle amicably, come to terms, bury thehatchet: The litigants have kissed and made up. e construct,build: The shack is made up of scrap boards.
Make up for.compensate, redress, make good, atone, make amends: How can Imake up for all the bad things I said about you?
Các từ liên quan
Từ đồng nghĩa
- accomplish , adjust , arrange , assemble , beget , brew , bring about , cause , compose , conceive , constitute , construct , cook , cook up * , dash off , draw on , dream up , effect , engender , fabricate , fashion , forge , form , frame , generate , get ready , give rise to , hatch , initiate , invent , knock off * , lead to , manufacture , mold , occasion , originate , parent , prepare , procreate , produce , put together , secure , shape , spawn , synthesize , tear off , throw together , whip , whip out , coerce , concuss , constrain , dragoon , drive , force , horn in , impel , impress , interfere , meddle , oblige , press , pressurize , prevail upon , require , shotgun , start , tamper , advance , assign , create , delegate , elect , finger , install , invest , name , nominate , ordain , proffer , select , tap , tender , act , carry on , carry out , carry through , conduct , declare , decree , do , draft , draw up , engage in , establish , fix , formulate , legislate , pass , perform , practice , prosecute , wage , amount to , come to , compound , comprise , embody , equal , make up , mix , organize , represent , structure , texture , calculate , collect , conclude , deduce , deduct , derive , dope out , draw , figure , gather , gauge , judge , reckon , suppose , think , bring home bacon , bring in , clean up * , clear , gain , get , harvest , hustle , net , obtain , pull , pull down * , rate , realize , reap , receive , sock * , take in , arrive at , arrive in time , attain , bear , break for , catch , get to , go , head , light out , meet , move , proceed , progress , reach , set out , strike out , take off , breed , father , sire , bring , bring on , effectuate , induce , ingenerate , result in , set off , stir , touch off , trigger , build , have , designate , compel , obligate , pressure , fit , prime , ready , enact , promulgate , win
tác giả
Kinta, Ngân, Chjcbjbj, CụC GhéT, Black coffee, Zdenek, Off, Admin, Khách, Yunkie, Luong Nguy Hien, Thu Hien, ngoc hung, Trang , Nguyễn Thế Phúc, Nguyễn Hồng Phước
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