Stand, endure, suffer, submit to, bear, put up with,accept, tolerate, brook: How can you abide the company of sucha fool?
Live, stay, reside, dwell, sojourn: Local peoplebelieve that the rain god abides in these mountains.
Remain,stay, continue, tarry; linger, rest: He'll abide in my caretill he can walk again.
Abide by. consent to, agree to,comply with, observe, acknowledge, obey, follow, submit to,conform to, keep to, remain true to, stand firm by, adhere to,hold to: You must abide by the rules of the club if you becomea member.
(past abided or rarely abode) 1 tr. (usu. in neg. orinterrog.) tolerate, endure (can't abide him).
Intr. ( by) a act in accordance with (abide by the rules). b remainfaithful to (a promise).
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