Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
Verb (used with object)
- adapted , applicable , appurtenant , apropos , apt , becoming , befitting , belonging , congruous , convenient , correct , deserved , desired , due , felicitous , fit , fitting , germane , good , just , on the button , on the nose * , opportune , pertinent , proper , relevant , right , rightful , seemly , tailor-made , true , useful , well-suited , well-timed , happy , meet , expedient , suitable , merited , apposite , comme il faut , concordant , condign , decorous , idoneous , well-chosen
- allot , allow , appoint , apportion , assign , budget , devote , disburse , earmark , reserve , set apart , annex , borrow , clap * , confiscate , cop , embezzle , filch , get fingers on , get hands on , glom on to , grab , grab hold of , hijack , liberate , lift , misappropriate , moonlight requisition , pilfer , pocket , secure , snatch , swipe * , take over , usurp , allocate , designate , arrogate , commandeer , preempt , seize , take , accroach , add , applicable , apt , award , claim , convenient , deserved , due , fit , fitting , formulate , germane , help , impound , meet , pertinent , proper , related , relevant , sequester , suitable , timely , worthy
tác giả
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