Look after
Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
Verb (used without object)
Verb phrases
look after,
- to follow with the eye, as someone or something moving away
- She looked after him as he walked toward the train station.
- to pay attention to; concern oneself with
- to look after one's own interests.
- to take care of; minister to
- to look after a child.
look for,
- to seek; search for
- Columbus was looking for a shorter route to India when he discovered America.
- to anticipate; expect
- I'll be looking for you at the reception.
look in,
- Also, look into. to look briefly inside of
- Look in the jar and tell me if any cookies are left.
- Also, look in on. to visit (a person, place, etc.) briefly
- I'll look in some day next week.
look on or upon,
- to be a spectator; watch
- The crowd looked on at the street brawl.
- to consider; regard
- They look upon gambling as sinful.
look out,
- to look to the outside, as from a window or a place of observation
- From her office window, she could look out over the bustling city.
- to be vigilant or on guard
- Look out, there are dangers ahead.
- to afford a view; face
- The room looks out on the garden.
look to,
- to direct one's glance or gaze to
- If you look to your left, you can see the Empire State Building.
- to pay attention to
- Look to your own affairs and stay out of mine.
- to direct one's expectations or hopes to
- We look to the day when world peace will be a reality.
- to regard with expectation and anticipation
- We look to the future and greater advances in science and technology.
look up,
- to direct the eyes upward; raise one's glance
- The other guests looked up as she entered the room.
- to become better or more prosperous; improve
- Business is looking up.
- to search for, as an item of information, in a reference book or the like
- Look up the answer in the encyclopedia.
- to seek out, esp. to visit
- to look up an old friend.
- Nautical . (of a sailing ship) to head more nearly in the direction of its destination after a favoring change of wind.
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