Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
Military .
- the assembling of military or naval forces in a particular area in preparation for further operations.
- a specified intensity and duration of artillery fire placed on a small area.
Chemistry . (in a solution) a measure of the amount of dissolved substance contained per unit of volume.
Also called memory. Cards . a game in which all 52 cards are spread out face down on the table and each player in turn exposes two cards at a time and replaces them face down if they do not constitute a pair, the object being to take the most pairs by remembering the location of the cards previously exposed.
- absorption , amassing , application , assembly , bringing to bear , centering , centralization , close attention , clustering , coalescing , combination , compacting , compression , concern , congregation , consolidation , convergence , converging , debate , deliberation , fixing , flocking , focusing , heed , huddling , intensification , massing , narrowing , need , single-mindedness , study , unity , accumulation , army , array , audience , band , cluster , collection , company , concourse , flock , group , herd , horde , mass , miscellany , mob , party , confluence , conflux , attentiveness , consideration , heedfulness , regardfulness , condensation , diligence , extract , fixation
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