Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
Verb (used with object)
- affair , burden , care , charge , company , corporation , deportment , entanglement , enterprise , establishment , field , firm , house , interest , involvement , job , jungle * , matter , megacorp , mission , multinational , occupation , organization , outfit , shooting match , task , thing , transaction , worry , zoo , apprehension , attention , bearing , carefulness , concernment , consideration , disquiet , disquietude , distress , heed , heedfulness , important matter , reference , regard , relation , relevance , solicitude , tender loving care , unease , lookout , trouble , attentiveness , thoughtfulness , interestedness , consequence , import , moment , significance , significancy , weight , weightiness , angst , anxiousness , nervousness , uneasiness , business , contraption , contrivance , gimmick , jigger , altruism , anxiety , importance , partnership , uneasiness care
- apply to , bear on , become involved , be relevant to , bother , disquiet , distress , disturb , interest , involve , make anxious , make uneasy , pertain to , perturb , regard , take pains , touch , trouble , worry , answer to , appertain to , be about , be applicable to , bear upon , be connected with , be dependent upon , be interdependent with , belong to , be pertinent to , be well taken , deal with , depend upon , have a bearing on , have connections with , have implications for , have relation to , have significance for , have to do with , refer to , appertain , pertain , refer , relate , ail , cark , affair , affect , anxiety , apprehension , attentiveness , bear , behold , burden , business , care , cause , charge , company , consideration , corporation , engross , establishment , firm , hold , implicate , matter , misgiving , occupy , solicitude , unease
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