Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
- balanced , realistic , reasonable , responsible , sane , sensible , smart , believeable , dislike , hate , rational
- ape , barmy , batty , berserk , bonkers * , cracked , crazed , cuckoo , daft , delirious , demented , deranged , dingy * , dippy , erratic , flaky , flipped , flipped out , freaked out , fruity , idiotic , insane , kooky , lunatic , mad , maniacal , mental * , moonstruck , nuts , nutty , nutty as fruitcake , of unsound mind , out of one’s mind , out of one’s tree , out to lunch , potty , psycho , round the bend , schizo , screwball * , screw loose , screwy * , silly , touched * , unbalanced , unglued , unhinged * , unzipped , wacky , absurd , balmy , beyond all reason , bizarre , cockeyed , derisory , eccentric , fatuous , foolhardy , foolish , goofy * , half-baked * , harebrained * , ill-conceived , impracticable , imprudent , inane , inappropriate , irresponsible , loony , ludicrous , nonsensical , odd , out of all reason , outrageous , peculiar , preposterous , puerile , quixotic , ridiculous , senseless , short-sighted , strange , unworkable , weird , wild , ardent , beside oneself * , devoted , eager , enamored , fanatical , hysterical , keen , passionate , smitten , zealous , brainsick , disordered , distraught , dotty , maniac , mentally ill , off , touched , unsound , wrong , fervent , rabid , warm , harebrained , imbecilic , moronic , softheaded , tomfool , unearthly , zany , amok , bananas , bats in the belfry , bonkers , cockamamie , crack-brained , crackpot , daffy , decrepit , dementate , desirous , dilapidated , distracted , frantic , gaga , goofy , haywire , infatuated , loco , meshuga , meshugga , rickety , shaky , tottering
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