Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
characterized by or involving warm friendship or a personally close or familiar association or feeling
(of an association, knowledge, understanding, etc.) arising from close personal connection or familiar experience.
- affectionate , bosom , buddy-buddy * , cherished , chummy * , close , clubby , comfy , confidential , cozy , dear , dearest , faithful , fast , fond , loving , mellow , mix , near , nearest , next , nice , regular , roommate , snug , warm , deep , deep-seated , detailed , elemental , essential , exhaustive , experienced , firsthand , guarded , gut * , immediate , inborn , inbred , in-depth , indwelling , ingrained , inherent , inmost , innate , innermost , interior , internal , intrinsic , penetrating , privy , profound , secret , special , thorough , trusted , uptight , visceral , viscerous , chummy , friendly , inside , personal , inward , familiar , private
- associate , bosom buddy , chum , companion , comrade , confidant , confidante , crony , familiar , family , lover , mate , pal , amigo , brother
- affirm , air , allude , announce , assert , aver , avouch , communicate , connote , declare , drop a hint , expose , express , hint , impart , imply , indicate , infer , insinuate , leak , let cat out of bag , let it be known , make known , make noise , profess , remind , spill the beans * , spring , state , utter , vent , voice , warn , suggest , acquaintance , associate , bosom , buddy , chummy , close , companion , confidant , confidential , cozy , crony , dear , devoted , direct , familiar , friendly , informal , inmost , loving , near , pal , personal , private , secret , signify , snug , trusted
tác giả
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