Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
Verb (used with object)
Verb phrases
- accouterments , apparatus , equipage , fittings , fixtures , gear , machinery , outfit , paraphernalia , tacklenotes:a ship\'s rig is the arrangement of masts , sails , etc.; the rigging is the system of ropes or chains supporting these , accouterment , equipment , material , materiel , tackle , thing , turnout , costume , garb , guise , habiliment
- accouter , appoint , arm , array , attire , clothe , costume , dress , equip , fit out , furnish , gear , kit , provision , set up , turn outnotes:a ship\'s rig is the arrangement of masts , sails , etc.; the rigging is the system of ropes or chains supporting these , doctor , engineer , fake , falsify , fiddle with , fix , gerrymander , juggle , manipulate , tamper with , trump upnotes:a ship\'s rig is the arrangement of masts , fit , outfit , turn out , apparatus , arrange , bedizen , carriage , cheat , contraption , derrick , equipment , fittings , machinery , quip , semi , supply , tackle , tamper , tractor , trick , truck
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