• Stump

    Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.


    the lower end of a tree or plant left after the main part falls or is cut off; a standing tree trunk from which the upper part and branches have been removed.
    the part of a limb of the body remaining after the rest has been cut off.
    a part of a broken or decayed tooth left in the gum.
    a short remnant, as of a candle; stub.
    any basal part remaining after the main or more important part has been removed.
    an artificial leg.
    Usually, stumps. Informal . legs
    Stir your stumps and get out of here.
    a short, stocky person.
    a heavy step or gait, as of a wooden-legged or lame person.
    the figurative place of political speechmaking
    to go on the stump.
    Furniture . a support for the front end of the arm of a chair, sofa, etc. Compare post 1 ( def. 2 ) .
    a short, thick roll of paper, soft leather, or some similar material, usually having a blunt point, for rubbing a pencil, charcoal, or crayon drawing in order to achieve subtle gradations of tone in representing light and shade.
    Cricket . each of the three upright sticks that, with the two bails laid on top of them, form a wicket.

    Verb (used with object)

    to reduce to a stump; truncate; lop.
    to clear of stumps, as land.
    Chiefly Southern U.S. to stub, as one's toe.
    to nonplus, embarrass, or render completely at a loss
    This riddle stumps me.
    to challenge or dare to do something.
    to make political campaign speeches to or in
    to stump a state.
    Cricket . (of the wicketkeeper) to put (a batsman) out by knocking down a stump or by dislodging a bail with the ball held in the hand at a moment when the batsman is off his ground.
    to tone or modify (a crayon drawing, pencil rendering, etc.) by means of a stump.

    Verb (used without object)

    to walk heavily or clumsily, as if with a wooden leg
    The captain stumped across the deck.
    to make political campaign speeches; electioneer. ?


    up a stump
    Informal . at a loss; embarrassed; perplexed
    Sociologists are up a stump over the sharp rise in juvenile delinquency and crime.


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