Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
Music .
- (of a tone) lowered a half step in pitch
- B flat.
- below an intended pitch, as a note; too low ( opposed to sharp ).
Grammar . derived without change in form, as English to brush from the noun brush and adverbs that do not add -ly to the adjective form as fast, cheap, and slow.
Music .
- (in musical notation) the character ?, which when attached to a note or to a staff degree lowers its significance one chromatic half step.
- a tone one chromatic half step below another
- The flat of B is B flat.
- (on keyboard instruments, with reference to any given note) the key next below or to the left.
Theater . a piece of scenery consisting of a wooden frame, usually rectangular, covered with lightweight board or fabric.
Nautical .
- Also called platform. a partial deck between two full decks.
- a low, flat barge or lighter.
Shipbuilding .
- a broad, flat piece of iron or steel for overlapping and joining two plates at their edges.
- a straight timber in a frame or other assembly of generally curved timbers.
Textiles . one of a series of laths covered with card clothing, used in conjunction with the cylinder in carding.
Horticulture . a shallow, lidless box or tray used for rooting seeds and cuttings and for growing young plants.
- broken , elevated , raised , rough , rounded , rugged , uneven , bubbly , effervescent , sharp , indefinite , cambered , concave , convex , projecting , protuberant , undulating , warped
- collapsed , complanate , decumbent , deflated , depressed , empty , even , extended , fallen , flush , horizontal , laid low , low , oblate , outstretched , pancake * , planar , planate , plane , procumbent , prone , prostrate , punctured , reclining , recumbent , splay , spread out , supine , tabular , unbroken , banal , blah , bland , blind , boring , colorless , dead , dim , drab , draggy , flavorless , ho hum , inane , innocuous , insipid , jejune , lead balloon , lifeless , matte , monotonous , muted , pointless , prosaic , prosy , sapless , spiritless , stale , tasteless , tedious , uninteresting , unpalatable , unsavory , unseasoned , vanilla * , vapid , watery , weak , whitebread , categorical , direct , downright , explicit , final , fixed , indubitable , out-and-out * , peremptory , plain , straight , unconditional , unequivocal , unmistakable , unqualified , unquestionable , arid , aseptic , dry , earthbound , lackluster , lusterless , matter-of-fact , pedestrian , sterile , stodgy , unimaginative , uninspired , mat , muddy , murky , level , smooth , certain , set , absolute , all-out , arrant , complete , consummate , crashing , damned , out-and-out , outright , perfect , pure , sheer , thorough , thoroughgoing , total , unbounded , unlimited , unmitigated , unrelieved , unreserved , immature , juvenile , mawkish , parallel , positive , sonant , spatulate , spatulous , splayfoot , spread-eagled , vocal
- chambers , condo , co-op , crash pad * , floor-through , go-down , joint * , lodging , pad * , railroad apartment , rental , room , rooms , suite , tenement , walk-up , absolute , apart , apartment , banal , bland , blunt , boring , champaign , colorless , dead , decided , deflated , downright , dreary , dull , dwelling , esplanade , even , fade , fixed , flashy , floor , flush , horizontal , horizontality , insipid , insipidity , jejunity , lackluster , level , lifeless , low , lowland , mat , mesa , monotonous , monotony , pad , plane , plateau , prone , prostrate , prostration , sluggish , smooth , stale , tasteless , uniform , unvarying , vapid
- absolutely , all , altogether , dead , entirely , fully , just , perfectly , quite , thoroughly , totally , utterly , well , wholly , emphatically , positively
- flatten , level , plane , smooth , straighten
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