Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
Grammar .
- noting an action or state brought to a close prior to some temporal point of reference, in contrast to imperfect or incomplete action.
- designating a tense or other verb formation or construction with such meaning.
- flawed , imperfect , inferior , second-rate , unbroken , broken , incomplete , part , unfinished , imprecise , inaccurate , wrong
- absolute , accomplished , aces * , adept , a-ok , beyond compare , blameless , classical , consummate , crowning , culminating , defectless , excellent , excelling , experienced , expert , faultless , finished , foolproof , ideal , immaculate , impeccable , indefectible , matchless , out-of-this-world , paradisiac , paradisiacal , peerless , pure , skilled , skillful , sound , splendid , spotless , stainless , sublime , superb , supreme , ten * , unblemished , unequaled , unmarred , untainted , untarnished , utopian , choate , complete , completed , downright , entire , flawless , full , gross , integral , out-and-out * , outright , positive , rank , sheer , simple , unadulterated , unalloyed , unbroken , undamaged , unimpaired , unmitigated , unmixed , unqualified , utter , appropriate , bull’s-eye , certain , close , dead-on * , definite , distinct , exact , express , faithful , fit , model , needed , on target , on the button , on the money , precise , proper , required , requisite , right , sharp , strict , suitable , textbook , to a t , to a turn , true , unerring , very , intact , whole , unharmed , unhurt , uninjured , regular , exemplary , good , all-out , arrant , crashing , damned , dead , flat , out-and-out , plain , thorough , thoroughgoing , total , unbounded , unequivocal , unlimited , unrelieved , unreserved , undiluted , unflawed , accurate , correct , exquisite , inerrant , inerratic , infallible , inviolate , irreproachable , mature , plenary , proficient , saintly
- accomplish , ameliorate , carry out , complete , consummate , crown , cultivate , develop , effect , elaborate , finish , fulfill , hone , idealize , improve , perform , put finishing touch on , realize , refine , round , slick , smooth , polish , absolute , accurate , blameless , correct , culminating , entire , exact , excellent , expert , exquisite , faultless , fine , finished , flawless , holy , ideal , immaculate , impeccable , infallible , irreproachable , masterly , perfectivize , precise , pure , retouch , right , sinless , sound , stainless , suitable , thorough , unblemished , unerring , unimpaired , unimpeachable , unmarred , untarnished , utopian , whole
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