Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
Verb (used with object)
- able , absolute , accomplished , complete , conspicuous , downright , faultless , finished , flawless , gifted , ideal , impeccable , inimitable , matchless , out-and-out * , peerless , perfect , perfected , polished , positive , practiced , ripe , skilled , superb , superlative , supreme , talented , thoroughgoing , total , trained , transcendent , unmitigated , unqualified , unsurpassable , utter , virtuosic , whole , indefectible , unflawed , all-out , arrant , crashing , damned , dead , flat , out-and-out , outright , plain , pure , sheer , thorough , unbounded , unequivocal , unlimited , unrelieved , unreserved
- accomplish , button down , call a day , can * , carry out , clean up , clinch , close , come , come through , compass , complete , conclude , crown , drop curtain * , effectuate , end , fold up , get it together , go the distance , halt , knock off , mop up , perfect , perform , polish off * , put away * , put finishing touch on , put lid on , put to bed , sew up , sign , take care of , terminate , top it off , ultimate , wind up , wrap , wrap up , finish , absolute , achieve , culminate , effect , exquisite , fulfill , ideal , ripe , undisputed
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