Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
no longer current or prevalent, as in effect, significance, or practice; obsolete
- a dead law; a dead controversy.
Law . deprived of civil rights so that one is in the state of civil death, esp. deprived of the rights of property.
(of a golf ball) lying so close to the hole as to make holing on the next stroke a virtual certainty.
- alive , animated , being , existent , existing , live , living , subsisting , active , interested , responsive , spirited , warm , animate , operative , working , continuing , enduring , incomplete , unfinished
- asleep , bereft of life , bloodless , bought the farm , breathless , buried , cadaverous , checked out , cold , cut off , deceased , defunct , departed , done for * , erased , expired , extinct , gone , gone to meet maker , gone to reward , inanimate , inert , late , lifeless , liquidated , mortified , no more , not existing , offed , out of one’s misery , passed away , perished , pushing up daisies , reposing , resting in peace , spiritless , stiff , unanimated , wasted , anesthetized , apathetic , boring , callous , deadened , dull , flat , frigid , glazed , insensitive , insipid , lukewarm , numb , numbed , paralyzed , senseless , stagnant , stale , still , tasteless , torpid , unfeeling , uninteresting , unresponsive , vapid , wooden , barren , bygone , exhausted , inactive , inoperable , inoperative , lost , obsolete , spent , sterile , tired , unemployed , unprofitable , useless , vanished , wearied , worn , worn out , absolute , bloody , downright , entire , final , out-and-out * , outright , perfect , sure , thorough , unconditional , unmitigated , unqualified , utter , whole , insensible , bleary , drained , fatigued , rundown , tired out , weariful , weary , worn-down , worn-out , insensate , insentient , all-out , arrant , complete , consummate , crashing , damned , out-and-out , plain , pure , sheer , thoroughgoing , total , unbounded , unequivocal , unlimited , unrelieved , unreserved , ad patres , amort , anesthetic , decease , demised , deserted , exanimate , impassive , inorganic , irrevocable , monotonous , moribund , mortuary , obtuse , subdued
- absolutely , direct , directly , due , entirely , exactly , right , straight , straightly , undeviatingly , wholly , all , altogether , flat , fully , just , perfectly , quite , thoroughly , totally , utterly , well , straightaway , bang , fair , flush , precisely , smack , square , squarely , absolute , asleep , barren , beat , bleak , bloodless , breathless , buried , cold , complete , deceased , defunct , demised , departed , discharged , doomed , drained , dull , exhausted , expired , extinct , extinguished , fallen , gone , inactive , inanimate , indifferent , inert , inoperative , lackluster , lapsed , lifeless , lost , motionless , numb , obsolete , perished , quiet , slain , spent , spiritless , stiff , unexciting , unproductive , useless , utter
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