Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
- abandoned , available , bare , clear , deserted , devoid , disengaged , free , idle , not in use , stark , tenantless , to let , unemployed , unengaged , unfilled , uninhabited , unlived in , untaken , untenanted , unused , void , without contentsnotes:vacant pertains mainly to things (vacant house) while vacuous pertains mainly to the absence or near absence of meaning or intelligence (vacuous expression) , abstracted , blank , daydreaming , deadpan , dreaming , dreamy , empty-headed * , foolish , inane , incurious , inexpressive , silly , stupid , thoughtless , unexpressive , unintelligent , unthinking , vacuous , vapid , witlessnotes:vacant pertains mainly to things (vacant house) while vacuous pertains mainly to the absence or near absence of meaning or intelligence (vacuous expression) , inactive , empty , empty-headed , hollow , otiose , vain , absent , barren , expressionless , leisure , open , unoccupied , wanting
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