Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
a part of the body of a plant that develops, typically, from the radicle and grows downward into the soil, anchoring the plant and absorbing nutriment and moisture.
a similar organ developed from some other part of a plant, as one of those by which ivy clings to its support.
Mathematics .
- Also called nth root. a quantity that, when multiplied by itself a certain number of times, produces a given quantity
- The number 2 is the square root of 4, the cube root of 8, and the fourth root of 16.
- r th root, the quantity raised to the power 1/ r
- The number 2 is the 1 3 root of 8.
- a value of the argument of a function for which the function takes the value zero.
Grammar .
- a morpheme that underlies an inflectional or derivational paradigm, as dance, the root in danced, dancer, or ten-, the root of Latin tendere to stretch.
- such a form reconstructed for a parent language, as *sed-, the hypothetical proto-Indo-European root meaning sit.
- a person's original or true home, environment, and culture
- He's lived in New York for twenty years, but his roots are in France.
- the personal relationships, affinity for a locale, habits, and the like, that make a country, region, city, or town one's true home
- He lived in Tulsa for a few years, but never established any roots there.
- personal identification with a culture, religion, etc., seen as promoting the development of the character or the stability of society as a whole.
Music .
- the fundamental tone of a compound tone or of a series of harmonies.
- the lowest tone of a chord when arranged as a series of thirds; the fundamental.
- basis , bedrock , beginnings , bottom , cause , center , crux , derivation , essence , essentiality , footing , foundation , fountain , fountainhead , fundamental , germ , ground , groundwork , heart , inception , infrastructure , mainspring , marrow , motive , nub , nucleus , occasion , origin , pith , provenance , provenience , quick , quintessence , radicle , radix , reason , rhizome , rock bottom * , seat , seed , soul , source , starting point , stem , stuff , substance , substratum , tuber , underpinning , [[wellnotes:a rout is a disorderly crowd of people or an overwhelming defeat; a root is the usually underground organ of a plant that lacks buds or leaves or nodes and absorbs water and mineral salts - or the form of a word after all affixes are removed; a route is an established line of travel or access - or a road]] , course , or way for travel from one place to another , core , gist , kernel , meat , spirit , base , cornerstone , fundament , rudiment , beginning , fount , mother , parent , rootstock , spring , well , focus , hub , bulb , radicel , rootlet , spur , taproot
- burrow , delve , embed , ferret , forage , grub , grub up , hunt , ingrain , lodge , nose , place , poke , pry , [[rummagenotes:a rout is a disorderly crowd of people or an overwhelming defeat; a root is the usually underground organ of a plant that lacks buds or leaves or nodes and absorbs water and mineral salts - or the form of a word after all affixes are removed; a route is an established line of travel or access - or a road]] , course , or way for travel from one place to another , entrench , fasten , infix , build , establish , found , ground , predicate , rest , underpin , abolish , blot out , clear , eradicate , erase , exterminate , extinguish , extirpate , kill , liquidate , obliterate , remove , rub out , snuff out , stamp out , uproot , wipe out , cheer , clap , amole , applaud , base , basis , beet , beginning , bottom , bulb , carrot , center , core , deracinate , derivation , dig , elihu , encourage , essence , foundation , fundamental , groundwork , grout , heart , motive , nucleus , origin , plant , radical , radish , reason , rise , rummage , sassafras , search , settle , soul , source , stem , support , tuber , turnip
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