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So với sau →05:04, ngày 15 tháng 11 năm 2007
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Đồng nghĩa Tiếng Anh
Snow-white, snowy, chalk-white, chalky, ivory, creamy,milky, milk-white, oyster-white, off-white; silver, hoary: Manybuildings in the tropics are painted white. Do you believe thata persons hair can turn white overnight? 2 pale, pallid, pasty,wan, whey-faced, ashen, bloodless, drained, whitish, waxen,ghastly, ghostly, anaemic, dead white, deathly white,cadaverous, corpse-like: Her black dress contrasted starklywith her white complexion.
Innocent, pure, unsullied,stainless, unblemished, spotless, immaculate, virginal,virtuous, undefiled, chaste: She came to you with white hands,which you have sought to dirty with your vicious accusations. 4Caucasian, Caucasoid, light-skinned, fair-skinned,pale-complexioned: The American Indian was - and still is -treated very unfairly by the White man.
Adj., n., & v.
Resembling a surface reflectingsunlight without absorbing any of the visible rays; of thecolour of milk or fresh snow.
(White) a of the human grouphaving light-coloured skin. b of or relating to White people.5 albino (white mouse).
A (of a plant) havingwhite flowers or pale-coloured fruit etc. (white hyacinth; whitecauliflower). b (of a tree) having light-coloured bark etc.(white ash; white poplar).
A white clothes ormaterial (dressed in white). b (in pl.) white garments as wornin cricket, tennis, etc.
Bleed white drain (aperson, country, etc.) of wealth etc. white admiral abutterfly, Limenitis camilla, with a white band across itswings. white ant a termite. white cell (or corpuscle) aleucocyte. white Christmas Christmas with snow on the ground.white coal water as a source of power. white-collar (of aworker) engaged in clerical or administrative rather than manualwork. white currant a cultivar of redcurrant with pale edibleberries. whited sepulchre see SEPULCHRE. white dwarf a smallvery dense star. white elephant a useless and troublesomepossession or thing. white ensign see ENSIGN. white feather asymbol of cowardice (a white feather in the tail of a game-birdbeing a mark of bad breeding). white fish fish with pale flesh,e.g. plaice, cod, etc. white flag a symbol of surrender or aperiod of truce. White Friar a Carmelite. white frost seeFROST. white goods 1 domestic linen.
A state of intense passion oractivity. white hope a person expected to achieve much for agroup, organization, etc. white horses white-crested waves atsea. white-hot at white heat. White House the officialresidence of the US President in Washington. white lead amixture of lead carbonate and hydrated lead oxide used aspigment. white lie a harmless or trivial untruth. white lightcolourless light, e.g. ordinary daylight. white lime lime mixedwith water as a coating for walls; whitewash. white magic magicused only for beneficent purposes. white matter the part of thebrain and spinal cord consisting mainly of nerve fibres (seealso grey matter). white meat poultry, veal, rabbit, and pork.white metal a white or silvery alloy. white monk a Cistercian.white night a sleepless night. white noise noise containingmany frequencies with equal intensities. white-out a denseblizzard esp. in polar regions. white ox-eye = ox-eye daisy.White Paper (in the UK) a Government report giving informationor proposals on an issue. white pepper see PEPPER. whitepoplar = ABELE. white rose the emblem of Yorkshire or the Houseof York. White Russian a Belorussian. white sale a sale ofhousehold linen. white sauce a sauce of flour, melted butter,and milk or cream. White slave a woman tricked or forced intoprostitution, usu. abroad. White slavery traffic in Whiteslaves. white sock = STOCKING 3. white spirit light petroleumas a solvent. white sugar purified sugar. white tie a man'swhite bow-tie as part of full evening dress. white vitriolChem. zinc sulphate. white water a shallow or foamy stretch ofwater. white wedding a wedding at which the bride wears aformal white wedding dress. white whale a northern cetacean,Delphinapterus leucas, white when adult: also called BELUGA.
Whitely adv. whiteness n. whitish adj. [OE hwit f. Gmc]
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