• Revision as of 11:06, ngày 5 tháng 7 năm 2008 by Alexi (Thảo luận | đóng góp)

    Thông dụng

    Danh từ

    ( the odd) (thể dục,thể thao) cú đánh thêm (chơi gôn)

    Tính từ

    Kỳ cục, kỳ quặc
    How odd !
    Kỳ quặc làm sao?
    13 is on odd number
    13 là con số lẻ
    Cọc cạch
    You're wearing odd shoes
    Anh ta đi đôi giày cọc cạch
    Thừa, dư, trên, có lẻ
    thirty-odd years later
    hơn 30 năm sau (giữa 30 với 40)
    Rỗi rãi, rảnh rang
    at odd times
    lúc rỗi rãi
    Lạc lỏng, lẻ ra, dư ra một mình
    At school, she always felt the odd one out
    ở trường, cô ấy luôn luôn cảm thấy mình lạc lỏng
    Vặt, lặt vặt, linh tinh
    an odd job
    công việc lặt vặt
    Bỏ trống, để không
    the odd man
    người có lá phiếu quyết định (trong một ban mà số uỷ viên là số lẻ)

    Kỹ thuật chung

    Nghĩa chuyên ngành

    số lẻ

    Đồng nghĩa Tiếng Anh


    Strange, peculiar, unusual, uncommon, different,unexpected, unfamiliar, extraordinary, remarkable, atypical,untypical, exotic, out of the ordinary, unparalleled,unconventional, exceptional, unique, singular, individual,anomalous, idiosyncratic, rare, deviant, outlandish, uncanny,queer, curious, bizarre, weird, eccentric, funny, quaint,fantastic, freak, abnormal, freakish, Colloq offbeat, screwy,kinky, freaky, Slang Brit barmy, bent, rum, US and Canadiankooky or kookie: Ebenezer is an odd name for a dog. Where didyou get that odd hat? I cannot account for his odd behaviour. 2occasional, casual, part-time, irregular, random, sporadic,discontinuous, disconnected, various, varied, miscellaneous,sundry, incidental: After being made redundant, he worked atodd jobs for a year or so. The odd shower can be expected duringthe afternoon. 3 leftover, surplus, remaining, unused, spare,superfluous, extra: After the patterns were cut, we wereallowed to take the odd scraps of fabric. 4 uneven, unmatched,unpaired: This gallery has an odd number of columns.


    Adj. & n.

    Extraordinary, strange, queer, remarkable,eccentric.
    Casual, occasional, unconnected (odd jobs; oddmoments).
    Not normally noticed or considered; unpredictable(in some odd corner; picks up odd bargains).
    Additional;beside the reckoning (earned the odd pound).
    A (of numberssuch as 3 and 5) not integrally divisible by two. b (of thingsor persons numbered consecutively) bearing such a number (noparking on odd dates).
    Left over when the rest have beendistributed or divided into pairs (have got an odd sock).
    Detached from a set or series (a few odd volumes).
    (appendedto a number, sum, weight, etc.) somewhat more than (forty odd;forty-odd people).
    By which a round number, given sum, etc.,is exceeded (we have 102 - what shall we do with the odd 2?).
    N. Golf a handicap of one stroke at each hole.
    Odd job acasual isolated piece of work. odd job man (or odd jobber)Brit. a person who does odd jobs. odd man out 1 a person orthing differing from all the others in a group in some respect.2 a method of selecting one of three or more persons e.g. bytossing a coin.
    Oddish adj. oddly adv. oddness n. [ME f.ON odda- in odda-mathr third man, odd man, f. oddi angle]

    Tham khảo chung

    • odd : National Weather Service
    • odd : amsglossary
    • odd : Corporateinformation
    • odd : Chlorine Online

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