Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
Phonetics . an occlusion of the vocal tract as an articulatory feature of a particular speech sound. Compare constriction ( def. 5 ) .
Surveying . completion of a closed traverse in such a way that the point of origin and the endpoint coincide within an acceptably small margin of error. Compare error of closure .
Mathematics .
- the property of being closed with respect to a particular operation.
- the intersection of all closed sets that contain a given set.
- cease , cessation , close , closing , desistance , end , ending , finish , stop , stoppage , termination , blockade , bolt , bung , cap , cork , fastener , latch , lid , obstruction , occludent , occlusion , padlock , stopper , stopple , tampon , tap , completion , conclusion , consummation , end of the line , period , stopping point , terminus , wind-up , wrap-up , agreement , bound , confinement , containment , cover , enclosure , limit , plug , seal , sealing
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