Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
- afflict , agitate , ail , alarm , amaze , annoy , arouse , astound , badger , burn up * , complicate , confound , confuse , depress , discompose , dishearten , disrupt , distract , distress , excite , fluster , frighten , gall , grieve , harass , interfere , interrupt , intrude , irk , irritate , make uneasy , molest , muddle , outrage , pain , perplex , perturb , pester , pique , plague , provoke , puzzle , rattle , rouse , ruffle , shake , shake up * , startle , tire , trouble , unhinge * , unnerve , unsettle , vex , worrynotes:disturb is based on latin turba \'tumult\' and disturb applies better to physical agitation and perturb to mental agitation , derange , disarrange , disarray , disorganize , displace , distort , foul up * , jumble , louse up , mess up , mix up , move , remove , replace , shift , tamper , upsetnotes:disturb is based on latin turba \'tumult\' and disturb applies better to physical agitation and perturb to mental agitation , dislocate , bother , disquiet , flurry , rock , toss , upset , aggravate , bug , chafe , exasperate , fret , get , nettle , peeve , put out , rile , tumble , boil , discomfit , discommode , disconcert , distemper , embarrass , harrow , incommode , inconvenience , ire , raise cain , roil , roust
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