Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
Verb (used with object), -voked, -voking.
- abet , abrade , affront , aggravate , anger , annoy , bother , bug * , chafe , enrage , exasperate , exercise , foment , fret , gall * , get * , get on one’s nerves , get under one’s skin , grate , hit where one lives , incense , incite , inflame , infuriate , insult , irk , irritate , madden , make blood boil , make waves , nag , offend , perturb , pique , put out , raise , rile , roil , ruffle , set * , set on , try one’s patience , upset , vex , whip up * , work into lather , work up *notes:provoke means to stir up or arouse - or to incite to anger or resentment; evoke means to call forth or call to mind emotions , feelings , and responses , animate , arouse , awaken , begin , bestir , bring about , bring down , bring on , bring to one’s feet , build up , call forth , cause , challenge , draw forth , electrify , elicit , enthuse , excite , fire , fire up , galvanize , generate , give rise to , induce , innervate , innerve , inspire , instigate , kindle , lead to , make , motivate , move , occasion , precipitate , prime , produce , promote , prompt , quicken , rally , rouse , roust , stir , suscitate , thrill , titillate , titivate , waken , whetnotes:provoke means to stir up or arouse - or to incite to anger or resentment; evoke means to call forth or call to mind emotions , burn , bug , disturb , gall , get , nettle , peeve , egg on , goad , impel , prick , prod , propel , set off , spur , stimulate , touch off , trigger , work up , invite , tempt , bait , displease , exacerbate , harass , ire , outrage , start , tease
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