Draw out
Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
Verb (used with object)
to cause to move in a particular direction by or as if by a pulling force; pull; drag (often fol. by along, away, in, out, or off ).
Metalworking . to form or reduce the sectional area of (a wire, tube, etc.) by pulling through a die.
to obtain (rations, clothing, equipment, weapons, or ammunition) from an issuing agency, as an army quartermaster.
Cards .
- to take or be dealt (a card or cards) from the pack.
- Bridge . to remove the outstanding cards in (a given suit) by leading that suit
- He had to draw spades first in order to make the contract.
Billiards . to cause (a cue ball) to recoil after impact by giving it a backward spin on the stroke.
Verb (used without object)
to move or pass, esp. slowly or continuously, as under a pulling force (often fol. by on, off, out, etc.)
Also called draw play. Football . a play in which the quarterback fades as if to pass and then hands the ball to a back, usually the fullback, who is running toward the line of scrimmage.
Verb phrases
draw ahead,
- to gradually pass something moving in the same direction.
- Nautical . (of the wind) to blow from a direction closer to that in which a vessel is moving; haul forward. Compare veer 1 ( def. 2b ) .
draw away,
- to move or begin to move away
- He drew his hand away from the hot stove.
- to move farther ahead
- The lead runner gradually drew away from his competitor.
draw in,
- to cause to take part or enter, esp. unwittingly
- I heard them debating the point, but I avoided being drawn in.
- to make a rough sketch of
- to draw in a person's figure against the landscape background.
draw on,
- to come nearer; approach
- He sensed winter drawing on.
- to clothe oneself in
- She drew on her cape and gloves.
- Nautical . (of a vessel) to gain on (another vessel).
- to utilize or make use of, esp. as a source
- The biography has drawn heavily on personal interviews.
draw out,
- to pull out; remove.
- to prolong; lengthen.
- to persuade to speak
- You'll find she's quite interesting if you take the trouble to draw her out.
- Nautical . (of a vessel) to move away from (sometimes fol. by from )
- The boat drew out from the wharf.
- to take (money) from a place of deposit
- She drew her money out of the bank and invested it in bonds.
- attract , continue , drag , drag out , elongate , extend , lead on , lengthen , make longer , prolongate , protract , pull , spin , spin out * , stretch , string out , tug , draw
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