Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
Verb (used without object)
- abide , accustom , allow , bear the brunt , be patient with , brave , brook , cope with , countenance , eat , encounter , experience , face , feel , go through , grin and bear it , hang in , keep up , know , live out , live through , meet with , never say die , permit , put up with , repress feelings , resign oneself , ride out * , sit through , stand , stick , stick it out , stomach * , subject to , submit to , suffer , support , sustain , swallow * , take , take it * , take patiently , tolerate , undergo , weather , withstandnotes:to endure means to put up with something or somebody unpleasant; to survive is to continue to live , be , be left , be long lived , be timeless , bide , carry on , carry through , cling , exist , go on , hang on * , have no end , hold , hold on , hold out , keep on , last , linger , live , live on , outlast , outlive , perdure , persist , prevail , remain , run on , stay , stay on , stick to , superannuate , survive , wear , wear on , wear wellnotes:to endure means to put up with something or somebody unpleasant; to survive is to continue to live , sweat out* , tough out* , accept , bear , go , stomach , swallow , withstand , continue , bear up , hold up , stand up , goon , strengthen , toughen
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