Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
Verb (used without object)
couldn't care less
- could not care less; be completely unconcerned
- I couldn't care less whether she goes to the party or not. Also, could care less.
- carelessness , disregard , ignorance , inattention , neglect , negligence , oversight , thoughtlessness , omission
- affliction , aggravation , alarm , anguish , annoyance , anxiety , apprehension , bother , burden , chagrin , charge , consternation , discomposure , dismay , disquiet , distress , disturbance , encumbrance , exasperation , fear , foreboding , fretfulness , handicap , hardship , hindrance , impediment , incubus , load , misgiving , nuisance , onus , oppression , perplexity , pressure , responsibility , solicitude , sorrow , stew , strain , stress , sweat , tribulation , trouble , uneasiness , unhappiness , vexation , woe , worry , alertness , caution , circumspection , concentration , concern , conscientiousness , consideration , diligence , direction , discrimination , effort , enthusiasm , exactness , exertion , fastidiousness , forethought , heed , interest , management , meticulousness , nicety , pains , particularity , precaution , prudence , regard , scrupulousness , thought , vigilance , wariness , watchfulness , administration , aegis , auspices , control , guardianship , keeping , ministration , protection , safekeeping , superintendence , supervision , trust , tutelage , ward , wardship , angst , anxiousness , disquietude , nervousness , unease , calculation , carefulness , chariness , gingerliness , pain , painstaking , punctiliousness , heedfulness , mindfulness , custody , regimen , rehabilitation , therapy , attention , attentiveness , maternalism , oversight , paternalism , protg
- attend , baby sit , consider , foster , keep an eye on , keep tabs on , look after , mind , mind the store , minister , mother , nurse , nurture , pay attention to , protect , provide for , ride herd on * , sit , take pains , tend , treasure , wait on , watch , watch over , be crazy about , be fond of , cherish , desire , enjoy , find congenial , hold dear , like , love , prize , respect , take to , want , object , alarm , anxiety , attention , auspice , burden , business , caution , chagrin , commend , commit , concern , consign , cure , diligence , direction , dismay , distress , dole , duty , effort , enthusiasm , entrust , grief , guard , guardianship , heartache , heed , keeping , lament , management , oversight , pains , reck , regard , sadness , safekeeping , solicitude , sorrow , tension , thought , tribulation , trust , tutelage , watchfulness , wish , worry
phrasal verb
- attend , look after , mind , minister to , see to , watch
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