Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
a particular proportion or concentration of these properties; intensity, as of light, color, sound, flavor, or odor
- backbone , body , brawn , brawniness , brute force , clout , courage , durability , energy , firmness , force , fortitude , hardiness , health , healthiness , lustiness , might , muscle , nerve , physique , pith , potency , pow , power , powerhouse , robustness , security , sinew , sock * , soundness , stability , stableness , stalwartness , steadiness , steamroller , stoutness , strong arm , sturdiness , substance , tenacity , toughness , verdure , vigor , vim , vitality , zip * , cogency , concentration , depth , effectiveness , efficacy , extremity , fervor , juice * , kick * , resolution , spirit , vehemence , virtue , anchor , asset , burden , connection , core , gist , guts , in , intestinal fortitude , license , mainstay , meat , purport , sense , strong point , succor , upper hand , weight , wire , potence , powerfulness , puissance , thew , coercion , compulsion , constraint , duress , pressure , violence , integrity , solidity , wholeness , fastness , hardness , sureness , animation , sprightliness , steam , advantage , beef , capacity , chastenment , conclusiveness , endurance , forte , hardihood , impetuosity , impregnability , influence , intensity , invincibility , kick , lustihood , muscularity , permanency , reinforcement , spunk , stamina , stay , sthenia , strenuosity , support , thews , validity , valor , virility , vividness , will
tác giả
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