Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
without the savageness or fear of humans normal in wild animals; gentle, fearless, or without shyness, as if domesticated
- acclimatized , amenable , biddable , bridled , broken , busted , civilized , cultivated , disciplined , docile , domestic , fearless , gentle , gentle as a lamb , habituated , harmless , harnessed , housebroken , kindly , manageable , meek , mild , muzzled , obedient , overcome , pliable , pliant , subdued , submissive , tractable , trained , unafraid , unresisting , yoked , bland , bloodless , boiled down , boring , conventional , diluted , feeble , flat * , halfhearted , humdrum * , insipid , lifeless , limp , monotonous , prosaic , routine , spiritless , tedious , unexciting , uninspiring , vapid , weak , wearisome , white-bread , without punch , benign , domesticated , dull , prosy
- break , break in , break the spirit , bridle , bring to heel , bust , check , conquer , curb , discipline , domesticize , domiciliate , enslave , gentle , housebreak , house-train , humble , mitigate , mute , pacify , repress , restrain , soften , subdue , subjugate , suppress , temper , tone down , train , vanquish , water down , master , qualify , amenable , bland , boring , civilized , compliant , control , cultivated , docile , domestic , domesticate , domesticated , dominate , dull , harmless , housebroken , insipid , manage , meek , mild , obedient , prune , reclaim , resigned , servile , submissive , timid , tractable , unexciting , uninteresting
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