Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
Verb (used with object)
Verb (used without object)
- appetite , craving , demand , fancy , hankering , hunger , longing , necessity , need , requirement , thirst , wish , yearning , yennotes:wont is a custom , especially habitual; want is a desire or need , absence , dearth , default , defect , deficiency , destitution , exigency , exiguousness , famine , impecuniousness , impoverishment , inadequacy , indigence , insufficiency , meagerness , neediness , paucity , pauperism , penury , poorness , poverty , privation , scantiness , scarcity , shortage , skimpinessnotes:wont is a custom , lack , beggary , impecuniosity , pennilessness , penuriousness , exigence , desiderata , desideratum , distress , scarceness , shortness , straits
- ache , aspire , be greedy , choose , could do with , covet , crave , desiderate , fancy , feel a need , hanker * , have ambition , have an urge for , have a passion for , have a yen for , have eyes for , hunger , incline toward , itch for , long , lust , need , pine , prefer , require , spoil for , thirst , wish , yearnnotes:wont is a custom , especially habitual; want is a desire or need , be deficient , be deprived of , be found wanting , be insufficient , be poor , be short of , be without , call for , demand , fall short in , have need of , miss , stand in need of , starvenotes:wont is a custom , hanker , pant , yearn , desire , like , please , will , absence , dearth , deficiency , deficient , deprivation , destitution , inadequacy , lack , longing , must , necessitate , necessity , penury , poverty , privation , requirement , scarcity , seek , shortage , yearning
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