• (Khác biệt giữa các bản)
    ((hàng hải) dừng lại, đỗ lại)
    (Kết thân (hai người với nhau))
    Dòng 33: Dòng 33:
    =====Kết thân (hai người với nhau)=====
    ::[[to]] [[bring]] [[under]]
    ::làm cho vào khuôn phép, làm cho ngoan ngoãn, làm cho vâng lời, làm cho phục tùng
    ::[[to]] [[bring]] [[up]]
    ::đem lên, mang lên, đưa ra
    =====Nuôi dưỡng, giáo dục, nuôi nấng, dạy dỗ=====
    =====Nuôi dưỡng, giáo dục, nuôi nấng, dạy dỗ=====

    04:50, ngày 25 tháng 12 năm 2007


    Thông dụng

    Ngoại động từ

    cầm lại, đem lại, mang lại, xách lại, đưa lại
    bring me a cup of tea
    đem lại cho tôi một tách trà
    bring him with you to see me
    đưa anh ta lại thăm tôi
    Đưa ra
    to bring a charge
    đưa ra lời buộc tội
    to bring an argument
    đưa ra một lý lẽ
    Làm cho, gây cho
    to bring tears to someone's eyes
    làm cho ai phát khóc, làm cho ai chảy nước mắt
    to bring someone to see something
    làm cho ai thấy được cái gì

    Nuôi dưỡng, giáo dục, nuôi nấng, dạy dỗ
    to be brought up in the spirit of communism
    được giáo dục theo tinh thần cộng sản
    Làm ngừng lại; ngừng lại, đỗ lại; (hàng hải) thả neo
    Lưu ý về (vấn đề gì); nêu (vấn đề)
    Làm cho (ai) phải đứng lên phát biểu
    Đưa ra toà
    to bring down the house
    làm cho cả rạp vỗ tay nhiệt liệt
    to bring home to
    làm cho nhận thấy, làm cho thấy rõ, làm cho hiểu
    to bring home a truth to someone
    làm cho ai hiểu một sự thật
    to bring into play
    phát huy
    to bring to bear on
    dùng, sử dụng
    to bring pressure to bear on someone
    dùng sức ép đối với ai
    Hướng về, chĩa về
    to bring guns to bear on the enemy
    chĩa đại bác về phía quân thù

    Hình Thái từ

    Kỹ thuật chung

    Nghĩa chuyên ngành


    Đồng nghĩa Tiếng Anh


    Carry, bear, fetch, get, take; deliver: Don't forget tobring some wine home for dinner tonight.
    Lead, conduct,convey; escort, invite, accompany: The road brought me to yourhouse. You can bring anyone you like to the party. 3 draw,attract, lure, allure: What brings you to London?
    Carry,bear, convey; report: She brought word of the uprising.
    Bring on, bring about, occasion, give rise to, be the source orcause of, create, cause, engender, produce; contribute to: Thethought of his mother brought tears to his eyes.
    Institute,advance; invoke: She is bringing charges against him forslander.
    Bring about. occasion, cause, bring on, accomplish,effect, achieve, produce: The government has brought aboutchanges in the health service.
    Bring down. a overthrow,depose, oust, unseat, dethrone, overturn, topple: A militaryfaction has brought down the government. b reduce, lessen,diminish, cut (back or down): The chancellor promised to bringdown taxes in the next budget.
    Bring forth. a bear, givebirth to, produce; yield: The kangaroo brings forth young lessthan an inch in size. b set forth, bring out or in or up,introduce, present, produce, put out, submit, offer, advance:Mr Hanson has brought forth a new sales plan.
    Bring in. aearn, yield, produce, realize, fetch, return, sell for:Advertising brings in more revenue than subscriptions. b Seedef.
    , below.
    Bring off. succeed (in), carry out,achieve, accomplish, do, carry out or off, perform, succeed,pull off; Colloq put over: Do you really think she'll be ableto bring off her masquerade?
    Bring on. a produce, put on,introduce, bring in: When the children in the audience began toget restless, they brought on the clowns. b induce, produce,occasion, bring about: Eating strawberries brought on a rash.13 bring out. a display, feature, focus on, illuminate, setoff, make noticeable or conspicuous, emphasize, develop: Thecolour of the dress brings out the blue of your eyes. bpublish, issue, release, make known or public, produce; put on,stage: They've brought out a new edition of Dickens's works.14 bring round or around. a revive, resuscitate, bring to;restore: The smelling salts brought her round when she fainted.b persuade, win over, convince, influence: Can he be broughtround to our way of thinking?
    Bring up. a rear, raise, carefor, look after, nurture, breed; educate, teach, train, tutor:She has brought up six children on her own. b introduce,broach, bring in, raise, pen (up), set forth, mention, touch on,talk about, discuss; reintroduce, recall: Why bring upirrelevant matters like his age? c raise, elevate: So far,they have brought up only three survivors from the mine. dvomit, throw up, regurgitate, disgorge: He woke up feeling sickand brought up most of the previous night's meal.



    (past and past part. brought) 1 a come conveying esp. bycarrying or leading. b come with.
    Cause to come or bepresent (what brings you here?).
    Cause or result in (warbrings misery).
    Be sold for; produce as income.
    A prefer(a charge). b initiate (legal action).
    Cause to become or toreach a particular state (brings me alive; brought them to theirsenses; cannot bring myself to agree).
    Adduce (evidence, anargument, etc.).
    Turn (aship) around. bring-and-buy sale Brit. a kind of charity saleat which participants bring items for sale and buy what isbrought by others. bring back call to mind. bring down 1 causeto fall.
    Lower (a price).
    Sl. make unhappy or less happy.4 colloq. damage the reputation of; demean. bring forth 1 givebirth to.
    Produce, emit, cause. bring forward 1 move to anearlier date or time.
    Transfer from the previous page oraccount.
    Draw attention to; adduce. bring home to cause torealize fully (brought home to me that I was wrong). bring thehouse down receive rapturous applause. bring in 1 introduce(legislation, a custom, fashion, topic, etc.).
    Yield asincome or profit. bring into play cause to operate; activate.bring low overcome. bring off achieve successfully. bring on 1cause to happen or appear.
    Accelerate the progress of. bringout 1 emphasize; make evident.
    Publish. bring over convertto one's own side. bring round 1 restore to consciousness.
    Persuade. bring through aid (a person) through adversity, esp.illness. bring to 1 restore to consciousness (brought him to).2 check the motion of. bring to bear (usu. foll. by on) directand concentrate (forces). bring to mind recall; cause one toremember. bring to pass cause to happen. bring under subdue.bring up 1 rear (a child).
    Vomit, regurgitate.
    Callattention to.
    (absol.) stop suddenly. bring upon oneself beresponsible for (something one suffers).
    Bringer n. [OEbringan f. Gmc]

    Tham khảo chung

    • bring : Corporateinformation
    • bring : Chlorine Online

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