Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
Verb (used with object)
something to be wrapped about the person, esp. in addition to the usual indoor clothing, as a shawl, scarf, or sweater
- blanket , cape , cloak , coat , cover , fur , jacket , mantle , shawl , [[stolenotes:rap (noun) is a reproach for some lapse or misdeed - (verb) strike sharply and swiftly; a wrap (noun) is a cloak that is folded around a person - (verb) arrange or fold as a cover or protectionto wrap is to enclose in a covering; to rap is to knock or tap on something]] , or create a rhythmic type of music , stole , wrapping
- absorb , bandage , bind , bundle , bundle up , camouflage , cloak , clothe , cover , drape , encase , encircle , enclose , enfold , envelop , fold , gift-wrap , hide , immerse , invest , mask , muffle , pack , package , protect , roll up , sheathe , shelter , shroud , swaddle , swathe , twine , veil , [[windnotes:rap (noun) is a reproach for some lapse or misdeed - (verb) strike sharply and swiftly; a wrap (noun) is a cloak that is folded around a person - (verb) arrange or fold as a cover or protectionto wrap is to enclose in a covering; to rap is to knock or tap on something]] , or create a rhythmic type of music , enwrap , infold , roll , wrap up , do up , enshroud , bemuffle , blanket , cape , conceal , furl , muffler , scarf , shawl , stole , surround , wind
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