Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
Nautical .
- (of the underwater portion of a hull) encrusted and impeded with barnacles, seaweed, etc.
- (of a mooring place) involving inconveniences and dangers, as of colliding with vessels or other objects when swinging with the tide.
- (of the bottom of a body of water) affording a poor hold for an anchor ( opposed to clean ).
Verb phrases
- abhorrent , abominable , base , contaminated , despicable , detestable , disgraceful , dishonorable , egregious , fetid , filthy , gross * , hateful , heinous , horrid , icky * , impure , infamous , iniquitous , loathsome , malodorous , mucky , nasty , nauseating , nefarious , noisome , notorious , offensive , pigpen * , polluted , putrid , rank * , raunchy * , repellent , repulsive , revolting , rotten , scandalous , shameful , squalid , stinking * , sullied , tainted , unclean , vicious , vile , wicked , yecchy , yucky * , abusive , blasphemous , blue * , coarse , dirty , foul-mouthed , indecent , lewd , low , obscene , profane , raunchy , scatological , scurrilous , smutty * , caitiff , crooked , fraudulent , inequitable , monstrous , shady , underhand , underhanded , unfair , unjust , unscrupulous , atrocious , disgusting , sickening , ugly , unwholesome , foul-smelling , mephitic , reeky , stinking , barnyard , bawdy , broad , fescennine , gross , ribald , scatologic , smutty , vulgar , antipathetic , contemptible , despisable , lousy , mean , obnoxious , odious , repugnant , shabby , wretched , carious , disagreeable , dreggish , dreggy , entangled , feculent , insulting , leprous , noxious , putrescent , roily , treacherous , turbid , unfavorable , unpropitious , vituperative
- breach , encroachment , error , faux pas , infringement , offense , slip * , violation , colluvies , feculence , fetidness , foulness , loathsomeness , mephitis , noisomeness , pestilence , pollution , putrefaction , putrescence , putridity , stench
- befoul , begrime , besmear , besmirch , block , catch , choke , clog , contaminate , defile , desecrate , discolor , ensnare , entangle , fill , jam , pollute , profane , smear , smudge , snarl , soil , spot , stain , sully , taint , tarnish , twist , poison , ensnarl , tangle , abusive , base , bawdy , blocked , contaminated , corrupt , defaced , defame , detestable , dirty , disgusting , dishonorable , entangled , filthy , grimy , gross , horrid , illegal , impure , indecent , lewd , loathsome , muddy , nastiness , nasty , nauseating , obnoxious , obscene , odious , offensive , polluted , putrid , raunchy , repulsive , revolting , rotten , smelly , soiled , stink , stinking , unclean , unfair , unsportsmanlike , vicious , vile , vulgar , wicked , wretched
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