Lay away
Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
Verb (used with object)
Ropemaking . the quality of a fiber rope characterized by the degree of twist, the angles formed by the strands, and the fibers in the strands.
Verb phrases
lay away,
- to reserve for later use; save.
- to hold merchandise pending final payment or request for delivery
- to lay away a winter coat.
- to bury
- They laid him away in the tomb.
lay by,
- to put away for future use; store; save
- She had managed to lay by money for college from her earnings as a babysitter.
- Nautical . (of a sailing vessel) to come to a standstill; heave to; lay to.
- Midland and Southern U.S. to tend (a crop) for the last time, leaving it to mature without further cultivation.
lay down,
- to give up; yield
- to lay down one's arms.
- to assert firmly; state authoritatively
- to lay down rigid rules of conduct.
- to stock; store
- to lay down wine.
- Shipbuilding . to draw at full size (the lines of a hull), as on the floor of a mold loft; lay off; loft.
lay off,
- to dismiss (an employee), esp. temporarily because of slack business.
- Informal . to cease or quit
- He promised to lay off drinking.
- Slang . to stop annoying or teasing
- Lay off me, will you?
- Informal . to stop work
- They laid off at four and went home.
- to put aside or take off.
- to mark off; measure; plot.
- Slang . to give or hand over; pass on
- They laid off their old sofa on the neighborhood recreation center.
- (of a bookmaker) to transfer all or part of (a wager) to other bookmakers in order to be protected against heavy losses.
- to get rid of or transfer (blame, responsibility, etc.)
- He tried to lay off the guilt for the crime on his son.
- Nautical . to sail away from.
- Nautical . to remain stationary at a distance from.
- Shipbuilding . lay 1 ( def. 47d ) .
lay on,
- to cover with; apply
- to lay on a coat of wax.
- to strike blows; attack violently
- When the mob became unruly, the police began to lay on.
- Nautical . to sail toward.
- Nautical . to row (an oar) with a full stroke.
- Slang . to tell, impart, or give to
- Let me lay a little good advice on you.
- Chiefly British Informal . to provide as a gift, bonus, or treat; give; treat
- The owners laid on a Christmas dinner for the employees.
lay open,
- to cut open
- to lay open an area of tissue with a scalpel.
- to expose; reveal
- Her autobiography lays open shocking facts about her childhood.
- to expose or make vulnerable, as to blame, suspicion, or criticism
- He was careful not to lay himself open to charges of partiality.
lay out,
- to extend at length.
- to spread out in order; arrange; prepare.
- to plan; plot; design.
- to ready (a corpse) for burial.
- Informal . to spend or contribute (money).
- Slang . to knock (someone) down or unconscious.
- Slang . to scold vehemently; reprimand
- Whenever I come home late from school, my mom really lays me out.
- to make a layout of.
- Chiefly South Midland and Southern U.S. to absent oneself from school or work without permission or justification; play hooky.
lay over,
- to be postponed until action may be taken
- The vote will have to be laid over until next week.
- to make a stop, as during a trip
- We will have to lay over in Lyons on our way to the Riviera.
lay to,
- Nautical . to check the motion of (a ship).
- Nautical . to put (a ship) in a dock or other place of safety.
- to attack vigorously.
- to put forth effort; apply oneself.
lay up,
- to put away for future use; store up.
- to cause to be confined to bed or kept indoors; disable.
- Nautical . to retire (a ship) from active use.
- Nautical . (of a ship) to be retired from active use.
- to construct (a masonry structure)
- The masons laid the outer walls up in Flemish bond.
- to apply (alternate layers of a material and a binder) to form a bonded material. ?
lay aboard, Nautical . (formerly
- of a fighting ship) to come alongside (another fighting ship) in order to board.
lay a course
- Nautical . to sail in the desired direction without tacking.
- to proceed according to a plan.
lay it on, to exaggerate in one's speech or actions
- esp. to engage in exaggerated flattery or reproof
- She was glad to be told what a splendid person she was, but they didn't have to lay it on so much. Also, lay it on thick.
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