Roll out
Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
Verb (used without object)
to revolve or turn over, once or repeatedly, as a wheel on an axis or a person or animal lying down.
(of a vessel)
- to rock from side to side in open water. Compare heave ( def. 14b ) , pitch 1 ( def. 20 ) .
- to sail with a side-to-side rocking motion.
Verb (used with object)
to cause to move along a surface by revolving or turning over and over, as a cask, a ball, or a hoop.
to wrap (something) around an axis, around upon itself, or into a cylindrical shape, ball, or the like
a list, register, or catalog, esp. one containing the names of the persons belonging to a company, class, society, etc.
a length of cloth, wallpaper, or the like, rolled up in cylindrical form (often forming a definite measure).
Cookery .
- thin cake spread with jelly or the like and rolled up.
- a small cake of bread, originally and still often rolled or doubled on itself before baking.
- meat rolled up and cooked.
Aerospace .
- a single, complete rotation of an airplane about the axis of the fuselage with little loss of altitude or change of direction.
- (of an aircraft or rocket) the act of rolling.
- the angular displacement caused by rolling.
Verb phrases
roll back, to reduce (the price of a commodity, wages, etc.) to a former level, usually in response to government action.
roll in, Informal .
- to luxuriate in; abound in
- rolling in money.
- to go to bed; retire
- They would roll in later and later every night.
- to mix and average the cost of (a higher-priced commodity or item) with that of a cheaper one so as to increase the retail price.
- to add
- Labor wants to roll in periodic increases with their wage demands.
- to arrive, esp. in large numbers or quantity
- When do my dividends start rolling in?
on a roll
- (in a gambling game) having a continuing winning streak.
- enjoying continuing good luck or success
- She's been on a roll since taking that course on sales techniques.
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