Revision as of 06:45, ngày 20 tháng 12 năm 2007 by (Thảo luận)
Thông dụng
V. & n.
Tr. (also absol.) a draw milk or other fluidfrom or through (the breast etc. or a container). b extractjuice from (a fruit) by sucking.
Tr. a draw sustenance,knowledge, or advantage from (a book etc.). b imbibe or gain(knowledge, advantage, etc.) as if by sucking.
(in pl.; esp. as int.)colloq. a an expression of disappointment. b an expression ofderision or amusement at another's discomfiture.
Involve (a person) in anactivity etc. esp. against his or her will. suck up 1 (oftenfoll. by to) colloq. behave obsequiously esp. for one's ownadvantage.
Absorb. [OE sucan, = L sugere]
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