Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
( sometimes initial capital letter )
- pertaining or belonging to any of the various populations characterized by dark skin pigmentation, specifically the dark-skinned peoples of Africa, Oceania, and Australia.
- African-American.
the color at one extreme end of the scale of grays, opposite to white, absorbing all light incident upon it. Compare white ( def. 19 ) .
Verb phrase
black out,
- to lose consciousness
- He blacked out at the sight of blood.
- to erase, obliterate, or suppress
- News reports were blacked out.
- to forget everything relating to a particular event, person, etc.
- When it came to his war experiences he blacked out completely.
- Theater . to extinguish all of the stage lights.
- to make or become inoperable
- to black out the radio broadcasts from the U.S.
- Military . to obscure by concealing all light in defense against air raids.
- Radio and Television . to impose a broadcast blackout on (an area).
- to withdraw or cancel (a special fare, sale, discount, etc.) for a designated period
- The special air fare discount will be blacked out by the airlines over the holiday weekend.
- atramentous , brunet , charcoal , clouded , coal , dingy , dusky , ebon , ebony , inklike , jet , livid , melanoid , murky , obsidian , onyx , piceous , pitch , pitch-dark , raven , sable , shadowy , slate , sloe , somber , sombre , sooty , starless , stygian , swart , swarthy , atrocious , bleak , depressing , depressive , dismal , dispiriting , distressing , doleful , dreary , foreboding , funereal , gloomy , horrible , lugubrious , mournful , ominous , oppressive , sad , sinister , threatening , filthy , foul , grimy , grubby , impure , nasty , soiled , spotted , squalid , stained , unclean , uncleanly , enraged , fierce , furious , hostile , menacing , resentful , sour , sullen , bad , diabolical , iniquitous , mean , nefarious , villainous , wicked , inky , jetty , pitch-black , pitchy , dark , smutty , immoral , peccant , reprobate , sinful , vicious , wrong , blue , cheerless , desolate , glum , joyless , tenebrific , despiteful , evil , hateful , malicious , malign , malignant , poisonous , spiteful , venomous , achromatic , blackish , cimmerian , color , dirty , discreditable , ethiopian , forbidding , grim , lowering , monochrome , negro , nigrescent , papuan
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