Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
- abandoned , abhorrent , atrocious , bad , barbarous , base , contaminated , cruel , dangerous , debased , degenerate , degraded , demoralized , depraved , diabolical , faulty , ferocious , fiendish , flagitious , foul , heinous , immoral , impious , impure , indecent , infamous , iniquitous , insubordinate , lewd , libidinous , licentious , miscreant , monstrous , nefarious , perverse , profligate , putrid , reprehensible , reprobate , rotten , savage , sinful , unprincipled , untamed , vile , villainous , violent , wicked , wild , worthlessnotes:vicious is savage or cruel; viscous is thick or gummy , as a liquid that is hard to pour , backbiting * , beastly , bloodthirsty , brutal , cussed , defamatory , despiteful , dirty * , evil , fierce , frightful , furious , horrid , intense , lousy * , malevolent , malicious , malign , mean , murderous , ornery * , poisonous , rancorous , rough , slanderous , spiteful , tough , vehement , venomous , vindictive , wickednotes:vicious is savage or cruel; viscous is thick or gummy , black , peccant , wrong , hateful , malignant , nasty , bestial , fell , feral , inhuman , truculent , wolfish , (colloq.) malignant , corrupt , corrupting , debasing , defective , egregious , flagrant , imperfect , noxious , refractory , severe , terrible , unmanageable , unruly
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