• Verb (used with object)

    to perform (an act, duty, role, etc.)
    Do nothing until you hear the bell.
    to execute (a piece or amount of work)
    to do a hauling job.
    to accomplish; finish; complete
    He has already done his homework.
    to put forth; exert
    Do your best.
    to be the cause of (good, harm, credit, etc.); bring about; effect.
    to render, give, or pay (homage, justice, etc.).
    to deal with, fix, clean, arrange, move, etc., (anything) as the case may require
    to do the dishes.
    to travel; traverse
    We did 30 miles today.
    to serve; suffice for
    This will do us for the present.
    to condone or approve, as by custom or practice
    That sort of thing simply isn't done.
    to travel at the rate of (a specified speed)
    He was doing 80 when they arrested him.
    to make or prepare
    I'll do the salad.
    to serve (a term of time) in prison, or, sometimes, in office.
    to create, form, or bring into being
    She does wonderful oil portraits.
    to translate into or change the form or language of
    MGM did the book into a movie.
    to study or work at or in the field of
    I have to do my math tonight.
    to explore or travel through as a sightseer
    They did Greece in three weeks.
    (used with a pronoun, as it or that, or with a general noun, as thing, that refers to a previously mentioned action)
    You were supposed to write thank-you letters; do it before tomorrow, please.
    Informal . to wear out; exhaust; tire
    That last set of tennis did me.
    Informal . to cheat, trick, or take advantage of
    That crooked dealer did him for
    Informal . to attend or participate in
    Let's do lunch next week.
    Slang . to use (a drug or drugs), esp. habitually
    The police report said he was doing cocaine.

    Verb (used without object)

    to act or conduct oneself; be in action; behave.
    Slang . to rob; steal from
    The law got him for doing a lot of banks.
    to proceed
    to do wisely.
    to get along; fare; manage
    to do without an automobile.
    to be in health, as specified
    Mother and child are doing fine.
    to serve or be satisfactory, as for the purpose; be enough; suffice
    Will this do?
    to finish or be finished.
    to happen; take place; transpire
    What's doing at the office?
    (used as a substitute to avoid repetition of a verb or full verb expression)
    I think as you do.

    Auxiliary verb

    (used in interrogative, negative, and inverted constructions)
    Do you like music? I don't care. Seldom do we witness such catastrophes.
    Archaic . (used in imperatives with you or thou expressed; and occasionally as a metric filler in verse)
    Do thou hasten to the king's side. The wind did blow, the rain did fall.
    (used to lend emphasis to a principal verb)
    Do visit us!


    Informal . a burst of frenzied activity; action; commotion.
    Informal . a hairdo or hair styling.
    British Slang . a swindle; hoax.
    Chiefly British . a festive social gathering; party. ?

    Verb phrases

    do by, to deal with; treat
    He had always done well by his family.
    do for,
    to cause the defeat, ruin, or death of.
    Chiefly British . to cook and keep house for; manage or provide for.
    do in, Informal .
    to kill, esp. to murder.
    to injure gravely or exhaust; wear out; ruin
    The tropical climate did them in.
    to cheat or swindle
    He was done in by an unscrupulous broker.
    do over, to redecorate.
    do up, Informal .
    to wrap and tie up.
    to pin up or arrange (the hair).
    to renovate; launder; clean.
    to wear out; tire.
    to fasten
    Do up your coat.
    to dress
    The children were all done up in funny costumes.
    do with, to gain advantage or benefit from; make use of
    I could do with more leisure time.
    do without,
    to forgo; dispense with.
    to dispense with the thing mentioned
    The store doesn't have any, so you'll have to do without.


    do a number on (someone). number ( def. 39 ) .
    do away with
    to put an end to; abolish.
    to kill.
    do one proud. proud ( def. 11 ) .
    do one's number. number ( def. 40 ) .
    do one's ( own ) thing. thing 1 ( def. 19 ) .
    do or die
    to make a supreme effort.
    do out of
    Informal . to swindle; cheat
    A furniture store did me out of several hundred dollars.
    dos and don'ts, customs, rules
    or regulations
    The dos and don'ts of polite manners are easy to learn.
    do time
    Informal . to serve a term in prison
    It's hard to get a decent job once you've done time.
    do to death. death ( def. 15 ) .
    have to do with. have ( def. 37 ) .
    make do, to get along with what is at hand
    despite its inadequacy
    I can't afford a new coat so I have to make do with this one.


    hurt , injure , ruin

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