Thông dụng
Đồng nghĩa Tiếng Anh
Agreement, contract, arrangement, bargain, covenant,concession, pact, compact, accord, treaty, concordat, entente,alliance, truce, armistice, reconciliation, settlement: Theyreached an understanding with respect to nuclear weapons.
Discernment, sensitivity, sensitiveness, sympathy, empathy,perception, insight, good sense, intuition, enlightenment,percipience, sagacity, sageness, sapience, wisdom, Colloq savvy:Georgianna brings so much understanding to her treatment of theaged. 3 Usually, understanding of. comprehension or, awarenessor grasp or control or idea or conception or knowledge ormastery (of), acquaintance or familiarity or intimacy ordexterity or skilfulness or deftness or adroitness or adeptness(with), competence or skill or expertness or know-how orproficiency or expertise (in), Colloq US fix (on), handle (on):I know no one with a better understanding of medieval Welsh.
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