Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
- base , bent , bribable , crooked , debauched , double-dealing , exploiting , extortionate , faithless , fast and loose , fixed , foul , fraudulent , gone to the dogs , inconstant , iniquitous , knavish , mercenary , nefarious , on the take , open , padded , perfidious , praetorian , profiteering , racket up , reprobate , rotten , shady , snide , suborned , tainted , treacherous , two-faced , underhanded , unethical , unfaithful , unprincipled , unscrupulous , untrustworthy , venal , wide open , abandoned , abased , baneful , boorish , degenerate , degraded , deleterious , depraved , dishonored , dissolute , evil , flagitious , infamous , loose , low , miscreant , monstrous , perverse , profligate , villainous , altered , contaminated , decayed , defiled , distorted , doctored , falsified , infected , noxious , polluted , putrescent , putrid , unhealthy , dishonest , addled , cankerous , contaminating , corruptive , decadent , decaying , immoral , infectious , peccant , pernicious , pestiferous , pestilent , purchasable , scrofulous , spoiled , vicious , vitiated
- abase , abuse , adulterate , animalize , bastardize , blemish , blight , bribe , contaminate , damage , debase , debauch , decay , decompose , deface , defile , deform , degrade , demean , demoralize , deprave , depreciate , despoil , disfigure , disgrace , dishonor , fix , grease palm , harm , hurt , ill-treat , impair , infect , injure , lower , lure , maltreat , mar , mistreat , misuse , outrage , pull down , putrefy , ravage , reduce , rot , ruin , spoil , square , stain , suborn , subvert , taint , undermine , violate , vitiate , warp , waste , bestialize , brutalize , canker , pervert , pollute , soil , abusive , bad , corrode , crooked , defiled , dishonest , evil , falsified , flagitious , fraudulent , immoral , impure , low , on the take , poison , profligate , ravish , rotten , underhanded , unethical , venal , vile
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