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    ==Thông dụng==
    ==Thông dụng==
    Dòng 11: Dòng 7:
    == Kinh tế ==
    == Kinh tế ==
    ===Nghĩa chuyên ngành===
    ===Nghĩa chuyên ngành===
    === Nguồn khác ===
    === Nguồn khác ===
    *[http://www.corporateinformation.com/Company-Search.aspx?s=bird bird] : Corporateinformation
    *[http://www.corporateinformation.com/Company-Search.aspx?s=bird bird] : Corporateinformation
    == Oxford==
    ==Các từ liên quan==
    ===Từ đồng nghĩa===
    =====A feathered vertebrate with a beak, with two wings and twofeet, egg-laying and usu. able to fly.=====
    :[[feathered creature]] , [[fowl]] , [[game]] , [[boo]] , [[catcall]] , [[hoot]] , ([[one year old]]) annotine , ([[young]]) fledgeling , [[airplane]] , [[ani]] , [[aviculture]] , [[avifauna]] , [[avis]] , [[blackbird]] , [[bluebird]] , [[boatbill]] , [[bobolink]] , [[bobwhite]] , [[brant]] , [[bulbul]] , [[bullfinch]] , [[bustard]] , [[buzzard]] , [[catbird]] , [[crow]] , [[daw]] , [[eagle]] , [[egret]] , [[emu]] , [[erne]] , [[falcon]] , [[finch]] , [[fledgling]] , [[flicker]] , [[flier]] , [[goldfinch]] , [[grosbeak]] , [[halcyon]] , [[hobby]] , [[hoopoe]] , [[hummingbird]] , [[ibis]] , [[jackdaw]] , [[kingbird]] , [[kinglet]] , [[kite]] , [[lark]] , [[linnet]] , [[marten]] , [[mocker]] , [[nestling]] , [[nun]] , [[oology]] , [[oriole]] , [[ornithology]] , [[owl]] , [[partridge]] , [[peacock]] , [[pewee]] , [[pheasant]] , [[phoebe]] , [[phoenix]] , [[pie]] , [[plover]] , [[rara avris ]](rare bird) , [[raven]] , [[redstart]] , [[redwing]] , [[robin]] , [[rook]] , [[ruff]] , [[sandpiper]] , [[shrike]] , [[skylark]] , [[snipe]] , [[sparrow]] , [[squab]] , [[starling]] , [[swallow]] , [[tanager]] , [[tern]] , [[thrasher]] , [[thrush]] , [[tit]] , [[vireo]] , [[warbler]] , [[waxwing]] , [[woodpecker]] , [[wren]]
    [[Thể_loại:Thông dụng]][[Thể_loại:Kinh tế ]][[Thể_loại:Từ điển Oxford]]
    =====A game-bird.=====
    =====Brit.sl. a young woman.=====
    =====Colloq. a person (a wily old bird).=====
    =====Sl.a a prison. b rhymingsl. a prison sentence (short for birdlime= time).=====
    =====Aninstrument imitating this. bird cherry a wild cherry Prunuspadus. bird-fancier a person who knows about, collects, breeds,or deals in, birds. a bird in the hand something secured orcertain. the bird is (or has) flown the prisoner, quarry, etc.,has escaped. bird- (or birds'-) nesting hunting for birds'nests, usu. to get eggs. bird of paradise any bird of thefamily Paradiseidae found chiefly in New Guinea, the maleshaving very beautiful brilliantly coloured plumage. bird ofpassage 1 a migrant.=====
    =====Any transient visitor. bird of prey seePREY. bird sanctuary an area where birds are protected andencouraged to breed. the birds and the bees euphem. sexualactivity and reproduction. bird's-eye=====
    =====Any of severalplants having small bright round flowers, such as the germanderspeedwell.=====
    =====A pattern with many small spots.=====
    =====Adj. of orhaving small bright round flowers (bird's-eye primrose).bird's-eye view a general view from above. bird's-foot (pl.bird's-foots) any plant like the foot of a bird, esp. of thegenus Lotus, having claw-shaped pods. bird's nest soup soupmade (esp. in Chinese cookery) from the dried gelatinous coatingof the nests of swifts and other birds. birds of a featherpeople of like character. bird-strike a collision between abird and an aircraft. bird table a raised platform on whichfood for birds is placed. bird-watcher a person who observesbirds in their natural surroundings. bird-watching thisoccupation. for (or strictly for) the birds colloq. trivial,uninteresting. get the bird sl.=====
    =====Be dismissed.=====
    =====Be hissedat or booed. like a bird without difficulty or hesitation. alittle bird an unnamed informant. [OE brid, of unkn. orig.]=====
    [[Category:Thông dụng]][[Category:Kinh tế ]][[Category:Từ điển Oxford]]

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    • bird : Corporateinformation

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