Revision as of 07:35, ngày 25 tháng 1 năm 2008 by (Thảo luận)
Thông dụng
Đồng nghĩa Tiếng Anh
Verify, authenticate, confirm, make good, corroborate,demonstrate, show, validate, establish, substantiate, certify,affirm; support, sustain, back (up), uphold: Prove that he liedunder oath, and we shall have him for perjury. If you cannotprove her guilt, she must be presumed innocent. 2 try, test,examine, check, analyse, assay: Division can easily be provedby multiplication, and vice versa. The proving ground formilitary vehicles is off limits to the public. Come live withme and be my love, And we shall all the pleasures prove. 3 turnout, be found, be shown, be established, end up; develop,result: The child proved to be his long-lost grandson.
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