Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
of such close or compacted texture, or fitted together so closely, as to be impervious to water, air, steam, etc.
Informal .
- close, as friends; familiar or intimate.
- united
- The strikers are tight in their refusal to accept the proposed contract.
- bound , clasped , close-fitting , compact , constricted , contracted , cramped , crowded , dense , drawn , enduring , established , fast , firm , fixed , hidebound , inflexible , invulnerable , narrow , quick , rigid , secure , set , skintight , solid , stable , steady , stiff , strained , stretched , strong , sturdy , taut , tenacious , tense , thick , tightened , unbending , unyieldingnotes:the choice of \' tight \' or \' tightly \' depends on whether it is the result or the application that is emphasized; if it is an enduring state , you would use \'tight\' , airtight , blind , blocked , bolted , choking , clumped , cramping , crushing , cutting , fastened , hermetic , hermetically sealed , impenetrable , impermeable , impervious , locked , nailed , obstructed , padlocked , pinching , plugged , proof , short , shrunken , shut , slammed , smothering , snapped , sound , stopped up , tied , tied up , uncomfortable , watertightnotes:the choice of \' tight \' or \' tightly \' depends on whether it is the result or the application that is emphasized; if it is an enduring state , cheap , close , grasping , mean , miserly , parsimonious , penny-pinching * , penurious , sparing , tightfistednotes:the choice of \' tight \' or \' tightly \' depends on whether it is the result or the application that is emphasized; if it is an enduring state , arduous , critical , dangerous , distressing , disturbing , exacting , hazardous , near , perilous , precarious , punishing , rough , sticky , ticklish , tough , tricky , trying , upsetting , worrisomenotes:the choice of \' tight \' or \' tightly \' depends on whether it is the result or the application that is emphasized; if it is an enduring state , boozy , buzzed , drunk , drunken , high * , inebriated , loaded , pickled , plastered * , smashed * , stewed , stoned * , tipsy , under the influencenotes:the choice of \' tight \' or \' tightly \' depends on whether it is the result or the application that is emphasized; if it is an enduring state , clinging , packed , cogent , just , valid , well-founded , well-grounded , lean , spare , confining , snug , chummy , friendly , intimate , close-fisted , costive , hard-fisted , niggard , niggardly , penny-pinching , petty , tightfisted , neck and neck , nip and tuck , orderly , shipshape , spick-and-span , spruce , tidy , trig , trim , well-groomed , besotted , crapulent , crapulous , inebriate , intoxicated , sodden , (colloq.) close , (colloq.) stringent , (slang) tipsy , busy , competent , concise , condensed , difficult , faithful , fuddled , full , hard , neat , sealed , severe , shapely , soundly , stingy
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