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    (New page: {|align="right" | __TOC__ |} ==Từ điển thông dụng== ===Động từ .thought=== =====Nghĩ, suy nghĩ, ngẫm nghĩ===== ::he does not say much but he ...)
    (Nghĩ, tưởng, tưởng tượng, nghĩ được, nghĩ là, cho là, coi như)

    03:19, ngày 21 tháng 11 năm 2007

    /Phiên âm này đang chờ bạn hoàn thiện/

    Thông dụng

    Động từ .thought

    Nghĩ, suy nghĩ, ngẫm nghĩ
    he does not say much but he thinks a lot
    nó nói ít nhưng suy nghĩ nhiều
    think twice before doing
    hãy suy nghĩ chính chắn trước khi làm
    one would have thought that
    người ta có thể nghĩ rằng
    Nghĩ, tưởng, tưởng tượng, nghĩ được, nghĩ là, cho là, coi như
    I think so
    tôi nghĩ thế, tôi cho là thế
    and to think he has gone away
    và ai mà tưởng được rằng nó đã đi rồi
    to you think him brave?
    anh có cho nó là dũng cảm không?
    to think scorn
    khinh bỉ
    Nghĩ ra, thấy, hiểu
    I can't think why
    tôi không hiểu tại sao
    Nghĩ đến, nhớ
    to think to do something
    nhớ làm một việc gì
    Trông mong
    I thought to have heard from you
    tôi mong được nhận tin anh

    Danh từ

    (thông tục) sự suy nghĩ
    I'd better have a think before I decide
    Tôi phải suy nghĩ trước khi quyết định
    have (got) another think coming
    buộc phải suy nghĩ lại

    Kỹ thuật chung

    Nghĩa chuyên ngành

    suy nghĩ

    Đồng nghĩa Tiếng Anh


    Believe, imagine, expect, dream, fantasize, suppose: Whendo you think that you will retire?
    Judge, reckon, consider,deem, regard (as), characterize (as), believe, assume, mark:They thought him a fool for making such a fuss.
    Contemplate,cogitate (on or over or about), ruminate (over or about),reflect (on), meditate (on or over or about), muse (on or overor about), deliberate (on or over or about), think about or ofor over: He likes to sit in the bath and think. I need time tothink over your proposal. 4 Often, think of. recall, remember,recollect, call to mind: I simply cannot think of the name ofthat film we saw last week.
    Think of or about. a consider,ponder, weigh, contemplate, muse over, have in mind, mull over,entertain the idea or notion of, intend, have in mind, propose:Do you ever think of retiring? b assess, evaluate, value,judge: What do you think about their latest suggestion?
    Think up or of. devise, concoct, contrive, come up with, invent,conceive (of), dream up, create, make up, improvise: Who thinksup the plots for these dreadful TV series?


    V. & n.

    V. (past and past part. thought) 1 tr. (foll. bythat + clause) be of the opinion (we think that they will come).2 tr. (foll. by that + clause or to + infin.) judge or consider(is thought to be a fraud).
    Intr. exercise the mindpositively with one's ideas etc. (let me think for a moment).
    Tr. (foll. by of or about) a consider; be or become mentallyaware of (think of you constantly). b form or entertain theidea of; imagine to oneself (couldn't think of such a thing). cchoose mentally; hit upon (think of a number).
    Tr. have ahalf-formed intention (I think I'll stay).
    Tr. form aconception of (cannot think how you do it).
    Tr. reduce to aspecified condition by thinking (cannot think away a toothache).8 tr. recognize the presence or existence of (the child thoughtno harm).
    Tr. (foll. by to + infin.) intend or expect (thinksto deceive us).
    Tr. (foll. by to + infin.) remember (did notthink to lock the door).
    N. colloq. an act of thinking (musthave a think about that).
    Think again revise one's plans oropinions. think aloud utter one's thoughts as soon as theyoccur. think back to recall (a past event or time). thinkbetter of change one's mind about (an intention) afterreconsideration. think big see BIG. think fit see FIT(1).think for oneself have an independent mind or attitude. thinklittle (or nothing) of consider to be insignificant orunremarkable. think much (or highly) of have a high opinion of.think on (or upon) archaic think of or about. think out 1consider carefully.
    Produce (an idea etc.) by thinking.think over reflect upon in order to reach a decision. thinkthrough reflect fully upon (a problem etc.). think twice usecareful consideration, avoid hasty action, etc. think upcolloq. devise; produce by thought.
    Thinkable adj. [OEthencan thohte gethoht f. Gmc]

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