(Khác biệt giữa các bản)(→Có mùi, toả mùi như thế nào đó)
Dòng 46: Dòng 46: ::[[this]] [[milk]] [[smells]] [[sour]]::[[this]] [[milk]] [[smells]] [[sour]]::sữa này có mùi chua::sữa này có mùi chua- ::[[to]] [[smell]] [[of]] [[jobberyd]]+ ::[[to]] [[smell]] [[of]] [[jobberdy]]::sặc mùi xoay xở::sặc mùi xoay xở::[[his]] [[talk]] [[smells]] [[of]] [[war]]::[[his]] [[talk]] [[smells]] [[of]] [[war]]15:37, ngày 1 tháng 12 năm 2007
Thông dụng
Đồng nghĩa Tiếng Anh
Odour, scent, aroma, perfume, fragrance, bouquet, breath,whiff: Don't you love the smell of freshly brewed coffee in themorning?
Stink, stench, fetor or foetor, fetidness, mephitis,effluvium, Colloq Brit pong: The smell from the rotting garbagewas overpowering.
N. & v.
The quality in substances that isperceived by this (the smell of thyme; this rose has no smell).3 an unpleasant odour.
V. (past and past part. smelt or smelled) 1 tr.perceive the smell of; examine by smell (thought I could smellgas).
Smellable adj.smeller n. smell-less adj. [ME smel(le), prob. f. OE]
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